America’s Voice
NowThis: Termination of TPS “Not Only Inhumane, It’s Bad Economics”
Quinnipiac and Post/ABC Polls Show Trump, GOP Have Their Backs Up Against the (Unpopular) Wall
Trump Organization’s Abuses of Undocumented Workers Raise Serious Criminal Issues
The New Yorker: “An Asylum Seeker’s Quest to Get Her Toddler Back”
Washington Post (Opinion) Republicans are trapped inside one of Trump’s biggest lies
By Greg Sargent
January 29, 2019
Associated Press San Diego County provides building to shelter asylum seekers
January 29, 2019
Washington Post Asylum seeker is sent back to Mexico as Trump administration rolls out new policy
By Maya Averbuch and Kevin Sieff
January 29, 2019
NBC News Trump administration begins returning asylum seekers to Mexico
By Daniella Silva
January 29, 2019
New York Times Trump Organization to Use E-Verify to Prevent Hiring Undocumented Immigrants
By Miriam Jordan
January 29, 2019
Washington Post Trump’s company plans to expand check of employees’ legal status following report that it hired undocumented workers for years
By Jonathan O’Connell , Elise Viebeck and Tracy Jan
January 29, 2019
The Hill Trump’s company to expand checks on employees’ legal status
January 30, 2019
USA Today ‘As soon as possible’: Trump Organization to increase checks after reports about undocumented employees
By Christal Hayes,
January 30, 2019
CNN Undocumented former Trump workers ask Congress for protection
By Priscilla Alvarez
January 29, 2019
HuffPost Trump Organization Will Roll Out Immigration Screening After Firing Some Workers
By Nick Visser
January 30, 2019 Lawyer seeks protections for undocumented immigrants who worked at Trump National
By Monsy Alvarado and Steph Solis,
January 30, 2019
The Atlantic An Asylum Seeker’s Quest to Get Her Toddler Back
By Sarah Stillman
January 30, 2019
San Francisco Chronicle Mother’s agonizing wait ends in SF: She’s reunited with baby taken from father by U.S. officials at border
By Tatiana Sanchez
January 30, 2019
Associated Press GOP leaders signal no taste for renewing shutdown over wall
January 29, 2019
Wall Street Journal Lawmakers Seek to Break Immigration Impasse
By Natalie Andrews and Kristina Peterson
January 30, 2019
Washington Post ‘Whatever works’: Lawmakers negotiate to avert another shutdown absent signal from Trump
By Robert Costa and Erica Werner
January 29, 2019
Washington Post ‘I want him to declare an emergency’: Eric Trump urges his father to use executive power to build a border wall
By Timothy Bella
January 30, 2019
Washington Post Insult to injury for Trump: Democrats take a rare lead on ‘border security’ after shutdown
By Aaron Blake
January 29, 2019
Politico House Dems say Dreamers likely won’t be part of deal to avert shutdown
January 29, 2019
Politico Big border deal fades before talks even begin
January 29, 2019
Daily Beast Republicans Give Trump the Green Light for a Border Wall Emergency Declaration
By Sam Brodey
January 29, 2019
The Hill No GOP appetite for a second shutdown
January 30, 2019
The Hill Courts wade through post-shutdown backlog of cases
January 30, 2019
Daily Best Judges Say Trump’s Shutdown Broke Immigration System for Years
By Scott Bixby
January 30, 2019
Houston Chronicle Immigrants impacted by government shutdown could wait until 2023 for court
By Lomi Kriel
January 29, 2019
The Hill Pollster says Trump was strategic in elevating immigration as an issue during shutdown
By Julia Manchester
January 29, 2019
The Hill GOP pollster says long-term immigration debate will shift to Dreamers
By Julia Manchester
January 29, 2019
Wall Street Journal Illegal Migrant Crossings Surge in Remote New Mexico Desert
By Alicia A. Caldwell
January 29, 2019
The Daily (podcast) Dispatches From The Border, Part 2
By Michael Balboa
January 29, 2019
Washington Post Activists making ‘water drops’ for migrants near southern border say government intimidation is rising
By Teresa Tomassoni
January 29, 2019
HuffPost A Texas School District Is Helping Immigrants Facing Deportation. Here’s Why.
By Kate Kilpatrick
January 30, 2019
The Hill Progressive Latino group staffs up for 2020
January 29, 2019
Sacramento Bee ‘Trump effect:’ California Latino voters showed up in force in 2018. Will they do it again?
January 29, 2019
Wall Street Journal Mexico Stops Fast-Tracking Migrants’ Humanitarian Visas
By Juan Montes
January 29, 2019
Politico Is Trump really winning over Hispanics?
January 29, 2019
NBC New York Immigrants Boost New York, New Jersey Economies, Study Reveals
January 30, 2019
New York Times (Op-Ed) End Forced Labor in Immigrant Detention
By Victoria Law
January 29, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Put Washington in a time-out. Bring in people who know something about the border.
By Karen Tumulty
January 29, 2019
Washington Post (Opinions) In love and tangled up in Trump’s travel ban
By Jason Rezaian and Kate Woodsome
January 29, 2019
Washington Post (Op-Ed) It’s not just immigrants. Trump is separating American families, too.
By David Bier
January 29, 2019
HuffPost (Opinion) Dreamers Like Me Need Democrats To Put Immigration Back On The Table Now, Not Later
By Juan Escalante
January 29, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Border security that is smart, just and merciful
January 29, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Webb: Border security and the death of socialism
January 29, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Crisis at our southern border is real and growing worse without the wall
January 29, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Trump’s anti-trafficking rhetoric is a sham excuse for border wall and inhumane policies
January 29, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) US facilitating forced marriage of children: Immigration loophole invoked hundreds of times each year
January 29, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Protecting immigrant health is good for the US
January 29, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Juez federal pide más datos de afectados por cadena de hoteles que delató a latinos con ICE
By Agencia EFE
January 30, 2019
La Opinión (CA) La Casa Blanca tuitea mensaje sobre redadas de ICE contra inmigrantes
January 30, 2019
El Diario-La Prensa (NY) Trump dobló las manos, pero seguimos a merced de su próxima pataleta
By Maribel Hastings
January 29, 2019
La Prensa (FL) Trump dobló las manos, pero seguimos a merced de su próxima pataleta
By Maribel Hastings
January 29, 2019
La Raza (IL) Trump dobló las manos, pero seguimos a merced de su próxima pataleta
By Maribel Hastings
January 29, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Trump dobló las manos, pero seguimos a merced de su próxima pataleta
By Maribel Hastings
January 29, 2019
LatinoCalifornia Es momento de que las autoridades investiguen los abusos de la Organización Trump contra sus trabajadores
By Frank Sharry
January 29, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Misteriosas cartas amenazan a inmigrantes en la Costa Oeste. “Son aterradoras”, dice alcalde
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 29, 2019
Noticiero Univision Entra en vigor la nueva política de regresar inmediatamente a México a los inmigrantes que pidan asilo en EEUU (Video)
January 29, 2019
Univision Noticias ¿Hay 25 millones de indocumentados como dice Trump? Esto dicen los que manejan las cifras más confiables
By Jorge Cancino
January 29, 2019
La Opinión Estudio: Colaboración con ICE aumenta en áreas donde los latinos son mayoría
By Agencia EFE
January 29, 2019
La Opinión Gobierno Trump aumentará número de tropas en la frontera con México
January 29, 2019 EEUU devolverá a México primer grupo de centroamericanos solicitantes de asilo
By Julia Love- Reuters
January 29, 2019
La Visión Le cierran las puertas a Eduardo Samaniego
By Irene Díaz-Bazán
January 29, 2019
By Hugo Laveen
January 29, 2019
Noticias Telemundo San Diego abrirá un nuevo albergue temporal para solicitantes de asilo
By Natalia Urrego con información de EFE / Agencia EF
January 29, 2019
El Nuevo Herald El Pentágono envía miles de soldados más a frontera con México
By Lolita C. Baldor- Associated Press
January 29, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Exjefe de USCIS ve difícil un pacto sobre DACA y TPS entre Trump y demócratas
By Olga Luna con información de EFE
January 29, 2019
Univision-Edición Digital Indignación por mensaje discriminatorio contra empleados hispanos de un restaurante en Nueva Jersey (Video)
Univision-Edición Digital Trump acepta invitación de Pelosi para dar su discurso del Estado de la Unión (Video)
January 29, 2019
La Opinión ICE regresa con “mega operación” en Nueva York y captura a 118 inmigrantes
January 29, 2019
La Opinión Ex director de USCIS no ve esperanza para DACA y TPS en negociaciones actuales del gobierno
By Agencia EFE
January 29, 2019
Univision Sacramento Reabren sus puertas Cortes de Inmigración en Sacramento (Video)
January 29, 2019
Noticiero Univision Polémica en Texas por informe sobre supuestos votantes registrados que no son ciudadanos de EEUU (Video)
January 28, 2019
Univision Noticias A partir de ahora los solicitantes de asilo afirmativo pueden averiguar sus casos en línea
By Jorge Cancino
January 29, 2019
La Opinión Trump en problemas tras despido de 12 inmigrantes de su club de golf en Nueva York
January 29, 2019
El Diario NY Denuncian que empleados de las cortes están ayudando a ‘La Migra’
By Edwin Martínez
January 29, 2019
Impacto Latino Condado de Colorado volverá a mantener detenidos a presuntos indocumentados
By Agencia EFE
January 29, 2019
Diario Las Américas USCIS ofrece posibilidad de consulta en linea de estatus a solicitantes de asilo
January 29, 2019
Telemundo Arizona México dispuesto a recibir solo a migrantes adultos
January 29, 2019
Telemundo 48 México dispuesto a recibir solo a migrantes adultos
January 29, 2019
Miami News 24 USCIS ofrece posibilidad de consulta en linea de estatus a solicitantes de asilo
January 29, 2019
January 29, 2019
CNN en Español EE.UU. presentó sus nuevos requisitos para pedir asilo en la frontera sur (Video)
January 29, 2019
CNN en Español Enfrentamientos en la frontera Guatemala-México por desalojo de migrantes (Video)
January 29, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump habría empleado a indocumentados en sus propiedades (Video)
January 28, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Ciudad de México activa nuevo protocolo ante la llegada de miles de migrantes en caravana
By Alba Moraleda con información de EFE
January 29, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Difunden vídeo de una niña migrante que cae al suelo mientras salta valla fronteriza en Arizona
By Alba Moraleda con información de EFE
January 29, 2019
Noticias Telemundo México no aceptará la devolución desde EE.UU. de menores solicitantes de asilo. Hay más líneas rojas
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP
January 29, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Agentes de Aduana detuvieron a un comediante que había obtenido asilo en EEUU
By Tim Stelloh, NBC News
January 29, 2019
Univision Noticias “Nada será igual”: los empleados federales temen por su futuro pese a la reapertura del gobierno
By Antonieta Cádiz
January 29, 2019