America’s Voice
NBC News Trump’s shutdown proposal would drastically toughen asylum, DACA, TPS rules
By Suzanne Gamboa
January 23, 2019
Bloomberg What Makes This Standoff Worse Than Other Government Shutdowns
By Joshua Green
January 23, 2019
HuffPost Trump’s Immigration Offer Shows The White House Isn’t Even Trying To Cut A Deal
By Roque Planas
January 23, 2019
Buzzfeed Immigration Staffers Were Warned Not To Leak Information To The Public
By Hamed Aleaziz
January 23, 2019
New York Times Dream Act Is Approved in N.Y. to Aid Undocumented Students, in Rebuke to Trump
By Christina Goldbaum
January 24, 2019
Politico Legislature passes long-stalled DREAM Act, pays tribute to late colleague
January 24, 2019
CNN New York lawmakers just passed their own ‘DREAM Act’
By Catherine E. Shoichet,
January 23, 2019
NY Daily News NYS passes bill to create state DREAM Act to provide college tuition assistance to undocumented immigrants
January 23, 2019
Wall Street Journal Trump Delays State of the Union Address After Duel With Pelosi
By Kristina Peterson and Rebecca Ballhaus
January 24, 2019
Washington Post Pelosi tells Trump: No State of the Union address in the House until government is opened
By Felicia Sonmez and Seung Min Kim
January 23, 2019
Wall Street Journal Migrant Tally Surges at Guatemala-Mexico Border
By Juan Montes
January 23, 2019
Washington Post More than 10,000 migrants request visas as caravan hits Mexico
By Mary Beth Sheridan and Sarah Kinosian
January 23, 2019
New York Times Trump’s Latest Border Sell: A (Factually Dubious) Rhyme
By Katie Rogers and Linda Qiu
January 23, 2019
Washington Post ‘Crime will fall!’: Trump’s new rallying cry for border wall echoes old strategy of inflating dangers posed by immigrants
By David Nakamura
January 23, 2019
Associated Press Trump’s shutdown gift to Pelosi: a unified Democratic caucus
January 24, 2019
Wall Street Journal In Utah, Anxious Federal Workers Press Lawmakers to End Shutdown
By Natalie Andrews
January 23, 2019
New York Times House Democrats Increase Border Offer to $5.7 Billion, if Government Opens
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg
January 23, 2019
Washington Post Senators hope defeat of dueling plans produces a solution to shutdown
By Sean Sullivan
January 24, 2019
Politico House Dems push new border security plan as shutdown staggers on
January 23, 2019
Politico Trump’s border wall obsession frustrates conservative activists
January 24, 2019
Politico Senate set to reject government funding bill it once embraced
January 23, 2019
The Hill Ocasio-Cortez votes against bill to reopen government over ICE funding
January 23, 2019
The Hill CEOs urge Congress and White House to end shutdown
January 23, 2019
The Hill Immigration divide widens with latest GOP proposal
January 24, 2019
Vox 7 reasons Trump can’t make an immigration deal
By Dara Lind
January 23, 2019
CNN White House to host Latino groups for immigration reform meeting
By Maegan Vazquez
January 23, 2019
Axios A “go big” idea to end the shutdown
By Jonathan Swan
January 23, 2019
Splinter What Do Democrats Want on Immigration?
By Paul Blest
January 23, 2019
The Hill Traffickers at El Chapo trial say they typically smuggled drugs through legal checkpoints along border
January 23, 2019
CBS News Government shutdown claims immigration judge paychecks as morale hits a “historic low”
January 23, 2019
Associated Press AP-NORC poll: 6 in 10 Americans blame Trump for shutdown
January 24, 2019
CBS News Pelosi has edge over Trump on budget negotiations, CBS News poll shows
By Anthony Salvanto, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Kabir Khanna
January 23, 2019
Associated Press Crush of desperate migrant families seek asylum at border
January 23, 2019
Washington Post GOP lawmaker’s case for a border wall: At my house, they keep ‘critters out’
By Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
January 23, 2019
The Hill Trump unveils ‘new theme’: Build a wall and crime will fall
January 23, 2019
Axios High-skilled immigration remains popular in anti-immigrant nations
By Stef W. Kight
January 23, 2019
Wall Street Journal Philharmonic Piece Inspired by Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Set to Debut
By Elizabeth Yuan
January 23, 2019
Washington Post Sure, a lot of newspaper coverage of Latinos is negative — but not when it comes to cultural achievements
By Erik Bleich and A. Maurits van der Veen
January 23, 2019
McClatchy Immigration advocates to meet with Pence on deal to protect Dreamers, end shutdown
January 23, 2019
Wall Street Journal (Editorial) Beyond MAGA Hats
By Daniel Henninger
January 24, 2019
New York Times (Editorial) A Contest of Wills, and a Way Out
January 23, 2019
Denver Post (Editorial) Sen. Cory Gardner to break with Republicans on Trump’s wall — it’s the right thing to do
January 23, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Trump isn’t normal. But normalcy just might be the key to beating him.
By David Byler
January 23, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Not far from the White House stands another wall, one that divided blacks from whites
By Theresa Vargas
January 23, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Trump’s position is weakening fast. Here’s how Democrats can exploit that.
By Greg Sargent
January 23, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Resisting Trump isn’t radical. It’s moderate.
By E.J. Dionne Jr.
January 23, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) The U.S. faces real crises. Why is Trump fixated on a fake one?
By Max Boot
January 23, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Pelosi has Trump on the ropes
By Jennifer Rubin
January 23, 2019
Washington Post (Op-Ed) Why Congress and the courts can’t let President Trump declare a national emergency
By Thor Hogan
January 24, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) We can end the shutdown with $1 billion — Trump and Democrats already agree on border security
January 23, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Will Democrats ever give Donald Trump a chance on border talks?
January 24, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Democrats want to ‘tear down that wall’
January 23, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Latino support for Trump on the rise? Not so fast
January 23, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) How the shutdown has backfired on Trump and put an end to ‘the wall’
January 23, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Build the algorithm for border security
January 23, 2019
El Diario de El Paso (TX) Insensibilizarnos ante los excesos de Trump debilita la democracia
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 23, 2019
Hispanic LA La propuesta de Trump es otro fraude más
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 23, 2019
La Raza (IL) La propuesta de Trump, tan falsa como su ‘arte de negociar’
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 23, 2019
La Prensa (FL) La propuesta de Trump, tan falsa como su ‘arte de negociar
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 23, 2019
El Diario-La Prensa (NY) La propuesta de Trump, tan falsa como su ‘arte de negociar’
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 23, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Una burla de mal gusto
January 23, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Trump contra las cuerdas, pierde dura batalla con los demócratas
January 23, 2019
La Tribuna Hispana La propuesta de Trump es tan falsa como su “arte de negociar”
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 23, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump cancela discurso del Estado de la Unión en la Cámara porque Pelosi “tiene miedo de la verdad”
By Olga Luna con información de EFE y Associated Press
January 23, 2019
Univision Noticias El gobierno de Trump usa a niños migrantes como “carnada” para arrestar a patrocinadores, según demanda
January 23, 2019
Univision 41/ New York El DREAM Act José Peralta de Nueva York fue aprobado este miércoles por el Senado del estado
January 23, 2019
Univision Noticias Dejaron agua y comida para migrantes en el desierto de Arizona. Ahora enfrentan una sentencia a prisión
January 23, 2019
Noticiero Univision Pelosi vuelve a enfrentarse a Trump: si no abre el gobierno, no permitirá que dé el discurso del Estado de la Unión (Video)
By Janet Rodríguez
January 23, 2019
La Opinión ¿Por qué es una buena noticia que la Corte Suprema no decida sobre DACA?
By Agencia EFE
January 23, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Defensores de los inmigrantes se reunirán con Pence para proteger a los ‘dreamers’
By Franco Ordoñez
January 23, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Miles de centroamericanos desisten del sueño americano y ponen sus esperanzas en el mexicano
By Olga Luna con información de EFE
January 23, 2019
Univision 41/ New York ‘I am a dreamer’, el documental que expone las vivencias y luchas de los soñadores (Video)
January 23, 2019
Univision 34-Los Angeles Indocumentados corren riesgo de ser ejecutados por grupos paramilitares en la frontera entre México y EEUU (Video)
January 23, 2019
Qué pasa mi gente Rechazan arrestos de ICE en la corte local
By Rafael Prieto Zartha
January 23, 2019
El Tiempo Latino Cámara de Representantes ofrece a Trump un mayor gasto en seguridad fronteriza, pero sin muro
By The Washington Post
January 23, 2019
Al Día Dallas Análisis: Un muro no frenaría a familias de migrantes desesperados
January 23, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Una nueva propuesta del Congreso intenta frenar la reforma migratoria de Trump y reabrir el Gobierno federal
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 23, 2019
Univision-Edición Digital Estos son los dos proyectos en el Senado de EEUU para reabrir el gobierno
By Janet Rodríguez
January 23, 2019
Univision Noticias Abogados tildan de “extremos” los cambios migratorios que exige Trump para reabrir el gobierno
By Jorge Cancino
January 23, 2019
La Opinión ¿USCIS ya aplica el plan de “carga pública” a inmigrantes?
January 23, 2019
La Opinión Activistas celebran que el Tribunal Supremo no actuara sobre los “soñadores”
By Agencia EFE
January 23, 2019
Telemundo 52 La Corte Superma de Justicia Pospone Caso de DACA
By Raymond Mesa
January 23, 2019
Voz de América EE.UU. y Honduras discuten sobre caravanas y detener inmigración ilegal
January 23, 2019
January 23, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump estrena eslogan para exigir un muro en la frontera. “¡Construye un muro y el crimen caerá!”
By Alba Moraleda/ Noticias Telemundo
January 23, 2019
El Nuevo Herald El papa sobre el muro entre EEUU y México: “Es el miedo que nos vuelve locos”
By Agencia EFE
January 23, 2019
CNN en Español Voluntarias irían a prisión en EE.UU. por dejar agua y comida en un desierto en el que inmigrantes han muerto
By Ray Sánchez
January 23, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Demandan al Gobierno de Trump por detener demasiado tiempo a menores migrantes
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP
January 23, 2019
Univision Noticias A 33 días de cierre: El Senado votará el jueves dos proyectos para reabrir el gobierno, con escasa posibilidad de aprobarlos
January 23, 2019