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5 Things To Know about Vice President Kamala Harris’ Immigration Record

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Here are five things you need to know about Vice President Kamala Harris’ immigration record:

First as Attorney General of California, then as a U.S. Senator from the State, and as Vice President she has played an important role in the immigration debate and immigration policy. America’s Voice did a longer post on VP Kamala Harris and Immigration HERE. But, these are the five things to know about Harris’ immigration record:

  1. Throughout her career, Harris has supported protecting immigrant communities and opposes mass deportation efforts. Harris is a long-time supporter of a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, and as Vice President has been a partner in an administration that has used decisive action to expand legal immigration pathways and announced a proposal to help keep American families by protecting the undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens. Harris opposes Speaker Johnson’s mass deportation agenda.
  2. As Attorney General of California, Harris was a vocal defender of immigrant communities in her state. Harris was a vocal proponent of then-President Obama’s executive actions protecting undocumented immigrants, including DACA. California also joined 14 states and D.C. in a legal brief defending the Obama administration’s program protecting the undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents (see more here)
  3. As Senator from California, Harris opposed the Trump administration’s cruel and traumatic family separation policy and put Trump administration officials on blast for their role in the policy. Harris led in calling for an investigation of the horrific separations that appalled the nation in 2018 and later cosponsored a bill to reunite and protect children and parents. During one hearing, Harris grilled Trump DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on separations, “prompting her to falsely claim, ‘We do not have a policy to separate children from their parents.’”
  4. As Vice President, Harris has played a role in the administration’s strategy addressing migration from Central America to the United States. Launched in July 2021, the Root Causes Strategy has mobilized more than $5 billion in private sector investments in Central America to help address the root causes of migration to reduce the pressures forcing people to leave. Harris has also led the “In Her Hands” economic empowerment initiative in collaboration with Partnership for Central America, which aims to support and provide opportunities for millions of women across the region by 2030. 
  5. As both California Attorney General and Vice President, has led in efforts combating transnational crime. As California’s top law enforcement officer, Harris issued the state’s first-ever comprehensive report analyzing the current state of transnational criminal organizations and threats posed to communities. As Vice President, Harris has continued leading on this work, including creating a joint task to combat smuggling and supporting proposals modernizing screening technology at ports of entry to rapidly improve interdiction rates.

Vice President Harris has been a champion for immigrant rights and has proven to be an effective legislator in holding the Trump administration accountable for their family separation and extremist policies while they were in office.