Following the move by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), many Republicans have been quick to jump on board, blaming DACA for creating the child refugee crisis at the border (despite all evidence to the contrary).  But as a new editorial and political analysis reveals, the GOP’s attacks are meant to... Continue »
Does this Mean Most Republicans Are Now ‘Wacko Birds’ Too?  Yesterday, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) made clear that ending DACA was his “top priority” and that eviscerating deportation protections for Dreamers must be a component piece of any congressional action dealing with the Central American child refugees.  Far from... Continue »
Washington, DC – The fast-developing story regarding Central American unaccompanied children arriving at our border is bringing out the best – and the worst – in America. While an increasing number of elected officials and commentators are determined to keep the focus on the well-being of children fleeing violence,... Continue »
The crisis of unaccompanied minors fleeing violence from Central America continues to be front page news across the country.  As Congress mulls how to respond – if at all – the most important pieces members should read are 1) a powerful piece in the New York Times’ “Sunday Review”... Continue »
Latino Leaders React to Republican Candidate’s Call to Import Arizona-Style Immigration Law in Colorado While the Colorado GOP may have breathed a sigh of relief last month when anti-immigrant firebrand Tom Tancredo lost the gubernatorial primary, now the supposedly-mainstream candidate, Bob Beauprez, is taking up Tancredo’s mantle by aligning... Continue »
Advocates Discuss State of Play on Immigration Reform, Administrative Action, and the Emergency Supplemental With the door having closed on immigration reform in Congress, the President is now compelled to step up and fill the vacuum.  The increase in Central American children arriving at our borders, fleeing gangs and... Continue »
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) was told today by House GOP leaders that there will be no vote on immigration this year.   In an interview with Greg Sargent of the Washington Post, Diaz-Balart expressed dismay at the GOP leadership’s decision: “We have a historic opportunity to fix a system everyone... Continue »
Republicans Play Politics, Refuse to Govern  Washington, DC—In the wake of President Obama’s remarks on how to deal with the ongoing humanitarian crisis at the U.S. border, it’s become evident that Republicans are far more interested in politicking off the plight of child refugees fleeing unspeakable violence than they... Continue »
Republican Leaders Enabled and Emboldened Nativist Wing, to Detriment of National Party When House Republican leadership decided to block broad immigration reform, they capitulated to the Rep. Steve King (R-IA) caucus.  Now that same segment of the GOP is emboldened, spinning themselves into a froth over the idea that... Continue »
As Obama Prepares to Step Up, Republican Brand Continues to Spiral Downward  The current top immigration news story is the anti-immigrant protest in Murrieta, CA this week — the one where some professional activists from outside of the city got riled up by the mayor and blocked the transfer of Central... Continue »