Last year, PBS Frontline aired “Immigration Battle,” from the amazing filmmakers Shari Robertson & Michael Camerini, who produced the “How Democracy Works” series. The documentary focuses on the immigration debate during the last Congress. According to Shari and Michael, “The film is not just the culmination of our decade long filming on immigration, it’s a personal, profane, rollicking saga that is utterly current – with Congressmen Mick Mulvaney, Paul Ryan and Luis Gutierrez in starring roles.” You’ll also see the immigration advocacy community at work.
You can watch “Immigration Battle” via PBS Frontline, and facts and insights on why an overhaul in policy is needed to bring millions of immigrants out of the shadows.
Here are some reactions from from the film’s premiere:
America's #ImmigrationBattle goes on, those Latino voters are growing & there's another election coming. @frontlinepbs #LatinosListen
— Pili Tobar (@pilitobar87) October 21, 2015
Operation Cantaloupe on 8/1/13 was one of best actions I've ever seen #ImmigrationBattle
— Joe Sudbay (@JoeSudbay) October 21, 2015
#ImmigrationBattle hoped to film w/ @RepPaulRyan but his office wanted to stay “under the radar.”#immigration
— America's Voice (@AmericasVoice) October 21, 2015
.@RepGutierrez describes what Paul Ryan said to him about immigration reform. #ImmigrationBattle
— FRONTLINE (@frontlinepbs) October 21, 2015