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Election Day is Tomorrow, November 6!

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It’s Election Day TOMORROW, November 6th!

If you haven’t voted yet, please make sure to vote.  Election Day is the day we uphold our democracy–and make choices that reflect our priorities and values.

Click here to find your polling location and a host of other useful info:


Here are some additional resources:

1)  On the link above, click the “In Your State” tab to find info such as ID requirements, etc.

2)  Call this voter hotline for any questions or problems in English or Spanish: (888) 839-8682 (888-Ve-Y-Vota)

(Special thanks to our friends at the Ya Es Hora campaign for their awesome voter resources!)

Those of us who can vote have a responsibility to exercise that right for ourselves, our families and for the millions of people in this country who aren’t yet citizens.
