The first casualty of the new GOP House may be the issue treasured by Latino voters. Liberal and conservative advocates of immigration reform looked at the new GOP-controlled, Tea Party-infused House and saw a brick wall. Continue »
Hispanic voters saved the Democratic Party Tuesday — buoying Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, keeping California blue, playing an outsize role in preserving the party's Senate majority...But that support is anything but certain for 2012. Continue »
Democrats who fought for a comprehensive bill this Congress were rewarded by Latino voters. On the other hand, they say Republicans who called for tougher border enforcement policies and increased deportation were punished. "In wave elections, both chambers usually flip. It's pretty remarkable that the Senate stayed in Democratic... Continue »
Republicans snapped up an early win Tuesday night courtesy of Florida senatorial candidate, Marco Rubio. But there's no pretending that Rubio's victory is a sign that Republicans are making inroads with Latinos...Florida's Latino electorate is unique -- made up largely of Cuban Americans and Puerto Ricans, the two Hispanic... Continue »
Democrats picked up a seat in the Legislature, won the governorship – and maybe all state offices – and re-elected a damaged U.S. senator... It's now a California where Latino voters have come into their own as a pivotal voting bloc, with the power to punish candidates seen as... Continue »
Anti-immigration groups raised fears that illegal immigrants might steal the U.S. elections Tuesday by voting in droves. Those fears never materialized, and most voting experts say they weren't founded on any evidence of widespread voter fraud, especially by immigrants. Continue »
Host Michel Martin talks with Matthew Barreto, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Washington and a pollster at the polling firm Latino Decisions, about the impact of the Latino vote in the 2010 midterm elections. Continue »
There was plenty of grim news for Latinos in Tuesday's election results: three Latino congressmen were voted out, the odds of an immigration overhaul appeared to diminish and hardliners were re-elected...But 2010 also signifies a milestone of sorts for Latinos, the country's largest minority: their overwhelming support for Democrats... Continue »
Eighty-one percent of Latino voters in Colorado voted for Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet. Split the Latino vote down the middle between Bennet and Republican Ken Buck and Buck wins easily...As it was, Buck barely out-polled gubernatorial candidate and anti-immigration hardliner Tom Tancredo among Hispanics. Continue »