07/07/09 a 9:38am por Maribel Hastings Pasando revista por algunas noticias migratorias de los últimos días, llegué a la conclusión de siempre: la única salida sigue siendo una reforma migratoria integral. Me explico. La semana pasada el gobierno anunció que auditará a 652 empresas porque los nombres de algunos... Continuar »
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." reads the inscription on the Statue of Liberty, perhaps our country's clearest welcome to those who come to America in search of a better life. This July 4th, America celebrated the rich, cultural influences that make... Continuar »
"Vice President Biden deserves high praise for making time during his visit to Iraq to confer one of the most important honors this country can bestow on an immigrant: citizenship," said Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice. "Immigrants from all walks of life and all backgrounds put their... Continuar »
Here's the latest blatant example of the system's decadence, from a piece in the New York Times on immigration detention, entitled, "Piecing Together an Immigrant's Life the U.S. Refused to See." It details the untimely death of Tanveer Ahmad in a substandard immigration jail: "When the 43-year-old man died... Continuar »