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“Qué Pasa” in Immigration: Executive Action, March on Bakersfield, McCain Town Hall

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“Qué Pasa” is our weekly roundup of  news, opinion, and links from Spanish-Language online news publications:

Univision: Rubio warns that Obama could take action if immigration form doesn’t pass

On Tuesday Republican Senator Marco Rubio warned that if immigration reform does not pass in the House of Representatives, President Barack Obama could take matters into his own hands and legalize millions of undocumented immigrants through executive action. On the radio show, “The Morning Show with Preston Scott” Rubio said, “if nothing passes in Congress this president will be tempted to take executive action, like he did with DREAM Act youth one year ago, and basically legalize 11 million people.”

The refusal of the House of Representatives to take on a plan like the Senate S.744 bill and to instead break reform up into pieces has many advocacy organizations on high alert. Speaker of the House John Boehner has also said that no plan will be sent to the floor without a majority of the majority. (Hastert Rule)

Different scenarios have been raised. Immigration reform might pass but might only give citizenship to some. A different plan might legalize undocumented immigrants but not give them a path to citizenship.

The following outlets also reported on this subject: AP, Telemundo

EFE: McCain defends immigration reform and has never seen such a wide range of support

Republican Senator John McCain highlighted the economic benefits of immigration reform for the U.S., but also said that the Senate bill is not perfect.

During a town hall this weekSenator McCain said that most Americans support immigration reform with a path to citizenship. Additionally, he said that immigration reform has the support of the Chamber of Commerce, the technology industry, the agricultural industry, the evangelical and Catholic churches, and many others.

In a town hall with over 200 people McCain commented, “Never in my career have a I seen a support of such a broad spectrum.”

McCain explained that reform will not only reduce the US deficit but will grow Arizona’s economy.

AP: California pushes for immigration reform


About 1,500 activists rallied on Wednesday outside of Republican Congressman and GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy’s Bakersfield office.  Thousands of people caravanned in buses and cars to visit Rep. McCarthy.

Immigration activists are using this 5-week August recess to build momentum for the immigration reform movement. McCarthy has become a focus for activists, and has said that the House of Representatives will not take on the Senate bill, and will instead pass reform in pieces.

The following outlets also reported on this subject: Telemundo, EFE, Univision, AFP