Today, while campaigning in San Antonio, President Obama offered a new critique of Mitt Romney’s immigration record, pointing out his support for Arizona’s SB 1070:
…We’re not going backwards when it comes to immigration. My opponent says the Arizona law should be “a model for the nation.”
THE PRESIDENT: I believe we are a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. (Applause.) I believe we can secure our borders and give opportunities to people who are striving and working hard — especially young people who have been raised in this country and see themselves as Americans. That was the right thing to do. We’re not going backwards, we’re going forwards. (Applause.)
The President was referring to Romney’s assertion during a GOP debate last February that Arizona’s SB 1070 is “a model for the nation.” That particular debate, sponsored by CNN, was held in Arizona on February 22, 2012. When Romney was asked about Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s approach to enforcement, he responded, “You know, I think you see a model in Arizona.”
That’s not all Mitt Romney has said on the immigration issue. He has explicitly stated that he’d veto the dream act; advocated for self-deportation; and has touted the endorsements of anti-immigrants (like Kris Kobach) who consistently lobby for denying aspiring Americans the opportunity to contribute to our culture.
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision on SB 1070, Romney was remarkably silent. But you know, the Supreme Court doesn’t think Arizona is a model. It’s pretty clear the President wants everyone to know that’s Romney’s position.