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Immigration Reform News May 24, 2018 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración

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America’s Voice

Border Patrol Shoots and Kills Unarmed Woman

ICYMI: NBC News, “What now? About to start medical residency, Honduran TPS holder faces uncertainty.”

“Divider in Chief” Sets A Clear Course for the GOP in 2018: When All Else Fails, Stoke Fear in Effort to Maintain Political Power 

ICYMI: “When Speaking Spanish is Considered Probable Cause” 


Dallas Morning News Policy or political theater? Texas Rep. Will Hurd takes heat in push to force DACA vote
By Nicole Cobler and Katie Leslie
May 23, 2018

Roll Call Mo Brooks Sues Census Bureau Over Counting Undocumented Immigrants
By Eric Garcia
May 23, 2018

Reuters Trump threatens aid cut to countries that do not stop MS-13 gang migrants
By Steve Holland
May 23, 2018

New York Times Trump, Visiting Epicenter of MS-13 Killings, Demands Tougher Immigration Laws
By Liz Robbins and Michael D. Shear
May 23, 2018

Wall Street Journal Trump Suggests Withholding Aid to Curb Illegal Immigration
By Louise Radnofsky
May 23, 2018

CNN Trump claims Democrats are ‘sticking up for MS-13,’ but his example misleads
By Maegan Vazquez
May 24, 2018

AP Trump: No immigration deal unless ‘real wall,’ good security
May 24, 2018

Washington Post ‘A real wall’ must be part of any immigration bill in the House, Trump says
By John Wagner
May 24, 2018

CNN The US border is bigger than you think
By Catherine E. Shoichet
May 23, 2018

The Hill Trump: ‘No approvals from me’ on immigration bill unless it improves a ‘real wall’
By John Bowden
May 24, 2018

Texas Observer The Surge
By Melissa del Bosque
May 23, 2018

FactCheck.org Fact check: Trump wrongly blames Democrats for his border policy of separating families
By D’Angelo Gore
May 22, 2018

Washington Post Three reasons moderate Republicans are backing an immigration vote
By Kevin Schaul and Kevin Uhrmacher
May 23, 2018

Politico GOP scrambles to quell immigration revolt
By Rachael Bade
May 23, 2018

CNN Another Republican signs the petition to force an immigration vote in the House
By Tal Kopan and Lauren Fox
May 23, 2018

The Hill Republicans fear retribution for joining immigration revolt
By Melanie Zanona
May 23, 2018

The Hill GOP centrists threaten to use conservative’s weapon against them
By Scott Wong
May 23, 2018

The Hill Top GOP donor threatens to stop giving to lawmakers over DACA battle
By Avery Anapol
May 23, 2018

Roll Call Trump Says All or Nothing on Immigration Bill
By John T Bennett
May 24, 2018

HuffPost House Republicans Report Progress On An Immigration Deal
By Matt Fuller and Elise Foley
May 24, 2018

Wall Street Journal The Glitch in Trump’s Immigration Campaign: Overloaded Courts
By Laura Meckler and Alicia A. Caldwell
May 23, 2018

AP Senate hopeful Joe Arpaio mum on details of Trump policies
By Jacques Billeaud
May 23, 2018

FiveThirtyEight.com What Happens If Republicans Keep Control Of The House And Senate?
By Perry Bacon Jr.
May 22, 2018

FiveThirtyEight.com What Went Down In Tuesday’s Southern Primaries
By Nathaniel Rakich
May 23, 2018

The Verge Twitter will label election candidates with new badges on their profiles
By Ashley Carman
May 23, 2018

Washington Post Inside a tractor-trailer pulled over in Texas: Loads of avocados and 88 immigrants
By Christine Phillips
May 23, 2018

Vox Trump made an immigration crackdown a priority. Jeff Sessions made it a reality.
By Dara Lind
May 23, 2018

The Verge The ACLU is suing ICE for more information on its license plate reader contract
By Russell Brandom
May 23, 2018

Miami New Times Video: Guard Threatens to Arrest Activist Recording Conditions at Miami ICE Facility
By Jeryr Ianelli
May 23, 2018

AP Migrant remittances a big business in cash-starved Venezuela
By Christine Armario
May 23, 2018

AP Ryan returns to Capitol to calm restless House Republicans
By Lisa Mascaro
May 23, 2018

Washington Post ‘Astounding ignorance of the law’: Civil rights groups slam DeVos for saying schools can report undocumented students
By Moriah Balingit
May 23, 2018

The Hill Trump on MS-13: ‘These are not people, these are animals’
By Jordan Fabian
May 23, 2018

The Hill ICE director supports Trump’s ‘animals’ remark: ‘MS-13 kills for sport’
By Aris Folley
May 23, 2018

Washington Post A man posed for months as an ICE agent. A traffic stop led his girlfriend to unravel the truth.
By Marwa Eltagouri
May 22, 2018

Washington Post Trump’s ‘animal’ instincts toward immigrants go beyond MS-13
By Ruben Navarette
May 23, 2018

Farm and Dairy Why do graduates decorate their caps?
By Shelia Bock
May 23, 2018

Ohio Ag Connection Steps Outlined for the Next Farm Bill Vote
May 23, 2018

WTOL Giving Up and Holding Out: The Plight of the Unemployed in America Today
By Bill Stoller
May 23, 2018

Dallas Morning News (Nebraska) Even as Trump tightens immigration, Lincoln situation shows U.S. labor shortage is becoming a crisis
By Alfredo Corchado
May 23, 2018

WOSU (Ohio) Rep. Jordan’s Move to Block Farm Bill Has Tepid Support Among Constituents Who Rely On It
By Nick Evans
May 23, 2018

New York Times (Op-Ed) The Rising Racial Liberalism of Democratic Voters
By Sean McElwee
May 23, 2018

Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed) Immigrant-Bashing Helps MS-13
By Representative Tom Suozzi
May 23, 2018

Forward (Op-Ed) Our Synagogue’s Custodian Is A Member Of Our Family – And ICE Just Deported Him
By Aaron Brusso
May 23, 2018



La Prensa (FL) Políticos, no ignoren la potencial ‘ola’ boricua
By Maribel Hastings
May 24, 2018

El Diario-La Prensa (NY) Políticos, no ignoren la potencial ‘ola’ boricua
By Maribel Hastings
May 24, 2018

La Raza (IL) Políticos, no ignoren la potencial ‘ola’ boricua
By Maribel Hastings
May 24, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Políticos, no ignoren la potencial ‘ola’ boricua
By Maribel Hastings
May 24, 2018

LatinoCalifornia ¿Se está preparando el gobierno de Trump para atacar a los niños en las escuelas?
By America’s Voice
May 23, 2018

Univision Al idioma español no lo calla nadie
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
May 23, 2018

El Nuevo Herald (FL) Al idioma español no lo calla nadie
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
May 23, 2018

Inmigracion.com Al idioma español no lo calla nadie
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
May 23, 2018

Radio Bilingüe Al idioma español no lo calla nadie
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
May 23, 2018

Hoy Dallas Al idioma español no lo calla nadie
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
May 23, 2018

El Jaya (RD) Serie: Lo que realmente somos como Inmigrantes
By Ana Betances
May 23, 2018

Noticiero Univision Abogados aseguran que es inconstitucional que las escuelas reporten estudiantes indocumentados a ICE (Video)
By Jaime García
May 23, 2018

Noticias Telemundo Inquietud en comunidad inmigrante tras palabras de Betsy Devos (Video)
May 23, 2018

Univision Este es el fallo que prohíbe que las escuelas llamen a ICE para reportar a estudiantes indocumentados
May 23, 2018

CNN en Español Sube el tono del discurso de la Casa Blanca sobre las pandillas (Video)
May 23, 2018

Noticiero Univision “Animales, ellos matan, violan y controlan”: Trump ataca de nuevo a pandilleros en Nueva York
By Blanca Rosa Vílchez
May 23, 2018

Noticias Telemundo Un duro golpe para la mafia mexicana en California (Video)
May 23, 2018

Noticiero Univision Autoridades arrestan a 32 presuntos miembros de la pandilla carcelaria Mafia Mexicana en California (Video)
By Dulce Castellanos
May 23, 2018

Univision Trump ataca a la pandilla MS-13 pero ignora a una banda más fuerte en EEUU: la Mafia Mexicana
By Isaías Alvarado
May 23, 2018

Noticiero Univision ICE: “Vamos a deportar agresivamente y pronto a familias con órdenes de repatriación final” (Video)
By Claudia Uceda
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Director de ICE enfurece: “No somos anti-inmigrantes… debemos hacer cumplir la ley”
May 23, 2018

Univision Familias migrantes con orden final de deportación son el nuevo blanco del gobierno de Trump
By Jorge Cancino
May 23, 2018

Univision Legisladores y organizaciones proinmigrantes le piden al gobierno de Trump que deje de separar familias en la frontera
By Jorge Cancino
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Líderes demócratas, activistas e inmigrantes exigen cese de separación de familias en la frontera
By María Peña
May 23, 2018

Univision “No son inocentes”: Trump desconfía de los menores no acompañados que llegan a la frontera
May 23, 2018

Noticias Telemundo Las cifras de los niños separados de sus padres inmigrantes son enormes (Video)
By Ana Paula Ochoa
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Denuncian alarmante abuso de menores detenidos por parte de agentes fronterizos
By María Peña
May 23, 2018

Noticias Telemundo Redada en Filadelfia pone a 49 inmigrantes tras las rejas (Video)
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) ICE captura a 49 en redada en zona metropolitana donde aumentó detenciones de inmigrantes
By Jesús García
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) ¿En qué casos de detención un inmigrante con o sin “green card” no tendrá derecho a fianza?
May 23, 2018

Noticiero Univision Promesa de campaña de Trump sobre E-Verify, ¿el sistema se aplica por igual a empleados y empleadores? (Video)
By Pablo Gato
May 23, 2018

Noticias Telemundo Afroamericana se impone en las primarias demócratas en Georgia (Video)
By José Díaz-Balart
May 23, 2018

Noticias Telemundo El autobús de la deportación salió perdiendo en las primarias en Georgia (Video)
By José Díaz-Balart
May 23, 2018

Noticias Telemundo Una mujer latina y homosexual aspirará a la gubernatura de Texas (Video)
By Edgar Muñoz
May 23, 2018

Univision Latina y gay: Lupe Valdez hace historia al convertirse en la candidata demócrata a la gobernación de Texas
By Ana Elena Azpurúa
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) USCIS anuncia suspensión temporal de algunos servicios en línea
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) USCIS anuncia que cometió error en aplicaciones de renovación de “Green Card”
May 23, 2018

El Nuevo Herald (FL) Los cubanos ya no son ‘privilegiados’, enfrentan obstáculos para renovar la visa de turista a EEUU
By Sarah Moreno
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Los delatan con “La Migra” y terminan descubiertos 86 indocumentados en un camión
By Agencia EFE
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Falso abogado de migración prometía agilizar trámites de visas a cambio de sexo
May 23, 2018

Noticias Telemundo Rescatan a inmigrantes hacinados en un tráiler (Video)
May 23, 2018

Noticiero Univision Cuatro menores sin acompañantes fueron hallados en un tráiler con 82 indocumentados más en Texas
By Pedro Rojas
May 23, 2018

Noticias Telemundo El cruce de inmigrantes se mantiene, a pesar de la Guardia Nacional (Video)
May 23, 2018

Noticiero Univision Mujer muere baleada en confuso operativo de ICE en la frontera de Laredo (Video)
By Galo Arellano
May 23, 2018

Univision 41 Una inmigrante murió en el sur de Texas tras ser baleada por un agente fronterizo
May 23, 2018

Univision ¿Te han insultado por hablar español? Cuéntanos tu historia confidencialmente
May 23, 2018

Univision “No creo que se les deba permitir registrarse para votar”: la polémica frase del republicano John Ward sobre puertorriqueños (Video)
By Andrea Linares
May 23, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Trump amenaza con cortar ayuda económica a países por inmigración ilegal
May 23, 2018

El Nuevo Herald (FL) Escuelas Públicas de Miami-Dade apoyan la asimilación y educación de los estudiantes extranjeros
By Valtena G. Brown
May 23, 2018

El Nuevo Herald (FL) El significado del habla en ‘Qué pasa, U.S.A.?’
By Olga Connor
May 23, 2018

El Nuevo Herald (FL) Las políticas antiinmigrantes en acción en Miami
By Howard L. Simon
May 23, 2018