Immigration became the hottest issue in the California gubernatorial race last week, as controversy raged over Republican candidate Meg Whitman’s treatment of undocumented former housekeeper Nicky Díaz Santillan, and Whitman and Democratic nominee Jerry Brown squared off in a Univisión-sponsored debate at California State University-Fresno.
In “Housekeeper issue casts Whitman as hypocrite,” the LA Times’ George Skelton reports:
What’s indisputable is that Whitman knew at least 15 months ago that she had employed an illegal immigrant for nine years, yet publicly continued to bash the employment of illegal immigrants.
Her strategists explain that Whitman has only castigated those who knowingly hire the undocumented. But that’s not the way the rhetoric has sounded. […]
Whitman desperately wants to blame Atty. Gen. Brown for orchestrating a smear. Brown flatly denies it.