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Listen to the “A is for America” Podcast with Zachary Mueller Speaking About Kris Kobach

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On this week’s episode of our podcast “A is for America”, we spoke with Zachary Mueller, our own resident Kris Kobach expert who joined us to talk about how Kansas’ Secretary of State may have just won a gubernatorial primary. (Interview begins at 14:15.)

On the topic of family separations this week, a federal judge blasted the Trump Administration for continuing to fail at reuniting children taken away from their parents. As the judge, a George W. Bush appointee, said, “the reality is that for every parent who is not located, there will be a permanently orphaned child and that is 100 percent the responsibility of the administration.”

Meanwhile, Judge Andrew Hanen a court case against DACA in the southern district of Texas, and experts say it’s a matter of when, not if, he’ll rule against DACA. Here’s where it gets confusing: three other judges have ruled in favor of keeping DACA in place, so if/when Hanen issues his ruling, it will be unclear what the law of the land is and up to the Trump Administration to decide whose authority they follow. The Supreme Court will likely have to step in, but they are currently short one justice.

Laura Ingraham went on a tirade against immigrants this week, which was backed up by — of course — David Duke. In this week’s primary elections, Democrats proved that they have momentum while Republicans (once again) proved that they have nothing to run on this year besides hate and anti-immigrant vitriol.

Kris Kobach, Kansas’ Secretary of State and a longtime national “leader” in all things anti-immigrant, is currently the winner of this week’s gubernatorial primary by 91 votes. We talk to Zac about Kobach’s ties to white nationalism, his recent court battles, his ambitions for becoming president, a possible recount, and more.

“A is for America” is a podcast which tells stories from the front lines of a changing America. Each week, we’ll be talking to advocates and experts working in immigration reform, immigrants’ rights, immigration politics, and the forefront of what it means to be a new American. Tune in next week for more.
