Jun 30, 2011
Organizers worked around the clock in Texas to stop Mario's deportation. They sent thousands of message to DHS in support of young DREAMers who only wish to give back to the country they know as home.
Continue »It's official—the thousands of faxes we all sent to ICE will allow Manolo and his family to stay in the country for another year!
Continue »Peck finally apologized via CNN:
“I’m Virgil Peck, I made an inappropriate comment. For that, I’m sorry, and I apologize to anyone that I offended with my inappropriate comment. I’ll be more careful with my words in the future.”
Jun 22, 2011
A UC Davis honors student who had launched a national Facebook campaign to avoid deportation to India with her mother won an 11th-hour stay Tuesday after immigration officials last week issued a memo allowing for greater discretion in Dream Act cases.
May 2, 2011
It's official—the thousands of faxes we all sent to ICE will allow Manolo and his family to stay in the country for another year! Just over a month ago, we told you about Manolo, a young Chinese-American who would qualify for the DREAM Act.