In an editorial entitled, “Can the GOP Change?”the Wall Street Journal blasts Republicans’ unwillingness to acknowledge that their attempts to block President Obama’s immigration executive actions have failed. The editorial calls on the GOP to find its way out of the “box canyon” it “marched itself into” and to recognize that the party’s continued failures to advance a DHS funding bill threaten “the fate of the GOP majority.”
This new editorial, from one of the country’s leading conservative outlets, joins recent criticism and coverage of the GOP’s reckless strategy in Beltway and Spanish-language media.
See below for key excerpts from the Wall Street Journal editorial:
Republicans in Congress are off to a less than flying start after a month in power, dividing their own conference more than Democrats. Take the response to President Obama ’s immigration order, which seems headed for failure if not a more spectacular crack-up.
…The Republican leadership funded the rest of the government in December’s budget deal but isolated the Department of Homeland Security that enforces immigration law. DHS funding runs out this month, and the GOP has now marched itself into another box canyon.
…Whatever their view of Mr. Obama’s order, why would Democrats vote to deport people who were brought here as kids through no fault of their own? Mr. Obama issued a veto threat to legislation that will never get to his desk, and he must be delighted that Republicans are fighting with each other rather than with him.
Restrictionists like Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions are offering their familiar advice to fight harder and hold firm against ‘executive amnesty,’ but as usual their strategy for victory is nowhere to be found. So Republicans are now heading toward the same cul de sac that they did on the ObamaCare government shutdown.
…So Republicans are facing what is likely to be another embarrassing political retreat and more intra-party recriminations. The GOP’s restrictionist wing will blame the leadership for a failure they share responsibility for, and the rest of America will wonder anew about the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.
The restrictionist caucus can protest all it wants, but it can’t change 54 Senate votes into 60 without persuading some Democrats. It’s time to find another strategy.
…It’s not too soon to say that the fate of the GOP majority is on the line. Precious weeks are wasting, and the combination of weak House leadership and a rump minority unwilling to compromise is playing into Democratic hands. This is no way to run a Congressional majority, and the only winners of GOP dysfunction will be Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton.
According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice:
When the Wall Street Journal editorial board criticizes Republicans leadership in such blunt terms, it’s a signal that it’s time for the GOP to face reality and admit defeat. Republicans conceived this unworkable strategy, and now are responsible for finding a way out. Time is short, the clock is ticking, and it’s past time for a clean DHS bill without attacks on immigrants.