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“The Challenges at our Southern Border Cry Out for Durable Solutions”

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New Frank Sharry Piece on Medium


In a new Medium piece Frank Sharry argues that “if we’re interested in solutions at the border, we have to look beyond the border” and that we need “to shift from short term sensationalism to durable solutions.”

Sharry proposes a regional strategy that 1) builds a safe, humane and orderly refugee and immigration system that channels Central American migration into legal pathways; and 2) over time, addresses root causes in a way that changes the migration calculus for Central American families from a matter of life and death into a matter of choice.

He adds: “But to modernize the system, we cannot stop there. We need Congress to step up and finally deal with the fact that 11 million undocumented immigrants are our neighbors and family members who live, work and contribute to American communities.”

Sharry’s piece concludes, “Here’s the kicker about the proposed solutions outlined above: every one of them is supported and promoted by the Biden-Harris administration already. The appointment of Vice-President Kamala Harris is an indication of the President’s commitment to following through on this plan. It is consistent with what we see from this White House on a range of issues: go big to solve problems in a way that restores our confidence in the ability of government to change lives for the better.”

He cautions, “The transition from Trump’s cruelty and chaos to Biden’s humane and orderly system will be hard, will take time, and as we see at the border today, will be bumpy. Let’s hope the White House keeps its nerve, dismisses media sensationalism and bad faith Republicans to see it through.”

Read Frank Sharry’s new Medium piece, The Challenges at our Southern Border Cry Out for Durable Solutions.