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ICYMI: First Day Of New Trial Further Exposes Trump’s Racism in Ending TPS for 59,000 Haitians

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Yesterday, Haitian immigrants with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), attorneys, and community allies told a federal judge that Trump administration’s termination of Haitian TPS was founded in discrimination against people of color and immigrants. Plaintiffs argue that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) disregarded clear evidence of housing and food insecurity in Haiti and ended humanitarian protection for around 59,000 Haitians escaping natural disasters and epidemic disease. The termination of TPS for Haiti has left families in great uncertainty, including at least 27,000 American children born to Haitians TPS holders.

Here are the top headlines from yesterday’s news coverage:

Bloomberg: White House Pressure Ended Protection for Haitians, Lawyer Says
By Patricia Hurtado

“The evidence will show that Attorney General Sessions leaned on Acting Secretary Duke to terminate TPS,” Roin told U.S. District Judge William Kuntz, who is hearing the case without a jury. Roin argued that the decision wasn’t based on sound reasoning that conditions had improved enough for Haitians to return, as the 1990 law creating TPS requires, but on the president’s “racial animus” toward people from places such as Haiti, El Salvador and African nations Trump has derided as “shithole countries,” according to news reports.

New York Daily News: Lawyer: ‘racist animus’ behind Trump administration push to revoke Haitian immigrants’ status
By Mikey Light and Michael Gartland

The Haitian Times: Day 1 Of Haiti TPS Trial: Trump Administration Attempts To Dismiss TPS Defense Witnesses
By Naiesha Rose

Courthouse News Service: Haitians Challenge Trump’s Immigration Policy Change
By Amanda Ottaway

ColorLines: Trial Begins to Halt Trump’s Termination of TPS for Haitians
By Shani Saxon

Metro News: Trump on trial: Haitian refugees get their day in court
By Will Drickey

BK Reader: Bklyn Trial Begins to Halt Trump’s Move to End TPS for Haitians
By Andrea Leonhardt

Gothamist: Brooklyn Lawsuit Aims To Revive Protection For Haitian Immigrants
By Arun Venugopal