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ICYMI: Washington Post Calls Out Trump Administration’s “Impossibly Cruel” Immigration Policies, Including Canceling Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

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Countdown to TPS Decision Deadline for Yemen and Somalia: 5 Weeks

In an article for the Washington Post, Paul Waldman dissects Trump’s endlessly cruel immigration policies, including his termination of Temporary Protected Status for more than 300,000 legal immigrants from six countries still facing significant hardship at home.

Yemen is the next country with TPS up for renewal on July 5th followed by Somalia. You can read Waldman’s article here.

Waldman lists Trump’s many immigration grievances including:

“End[ing] temporary protected status for immigrants from Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti, Nepal, Sudan and Nicaragua, forcing people who have lived legally in the United States for years or even decades to return to the countries of their birth.”


“They [the Administration] have no compassion for the human beings involved, and they want others who might consider coming to the United States to know how heartlessly they’ll be treated. It’s the whole point.”