As we’ve been pointing out, outrage continues to grow towards GOP Senators who decided to stand with President Trump on the “emergency” declaration and against the Constitution. Yesterday, we highlighted how the federal government is advancing towards the Texas land seizures necessary for wall construction and the continued focus on the state and local impact of military construction projects that could be diverted in order to build the stupid wall.
Today are two more reminders of the consequences on display:
Reuters Trump’s border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids
The U.S. Department of Defense is proposing to pay for President Donald Trump’s much-debated border wall by shifting funds away from projects that include $1.2 billion for schools, childcare centers and other facilities for military children, according to a list it has provided to lawmakers.
The Pentagon gave Congress a list on Monday that included $12.8 billion of construction projects for which it said funds could be redirected. Around 10 percent of the list relates to educational establishments and includes school buildings for the children of service members in places like Germany, Japan, Kentucky and Puerto Rico.
And in a new editorial, the San Francisco Chronicle writes, “The real national security projects threatened by Trump’s fake national emergency”
The Pentagon this week reluctantly identified the more than 400 military projects that could be stripped of nearly $13 billion in congressional appropriations to fund President Trump’s border wall. They include more than 30 California projects worth over $1 billion, all real contributions to national security that could be diverted for a fake national emergency.
…The threatened spending in Northern California includes $107 million for a new three-bay hangar at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield to accommodate the KC-46A Pegasus, the Air Force’s new aerial refueling tanker. Also on the endangered list: a $22.5 million new entrance and inspection point for trucks delivering ammunition to the Army’s Military Ocean Terminal Concord (formerly part of the naval weapons station there), and $18.8 million for gate and security improvements at the Defense Distribution Depot in Tracy.
Vulnerable projects elsewhere in the state include a hangar for F-35 fighter jets at Naval Air Station Lemoore (Kings County); a replacement pier at Naval Base San Diego; electrical, water and fire emergency upgrades at the Marines’ Camp Pendleton; and enhancements to Army and Navy SEAL training centers.