CNN Poll: Americans Across Ideologies Agree
A bipartisan group of governors sent a letter to congressional leaders in both parties today urging them to “come together quickly to shape a bipartisan solution that allows our Dreamers to remain in the United States and continue their constructive contributions to our society.” The letter was signed by Republican and Democratic governors from Colorado, Montana, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Massachusetts, Vermont, Minnesota, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Ohio.
Meanwhile, the latest CNN poll adds to the long line of recent polling that shows most Americans, including Republicans, agree and want Dreamers to gain legal status. By an 83-13% margin, Americans back a policy solution for Dreamers that allows them to remain in America instead of facing deportation. Support cuts across political ideologies – for example, in the new CNN poll, Democrats support a new law for Dreamers by a margin of 94-4%; Independents by 83-14%; and Republicans 67-25%.
Said Lynn Tramonte, Deputy Director of America’s Voice:
It’s clear: passing the Dream Act is the mainstream position in America today. Of course that isn’t shocking, it’s just a fact. Dreamers are already American in every way but one–their citizenship–and we need Congress to pass a law that makes it official. If and when they do that, they will be bringing huge relief to families led by Dreamers, with the support and backing of most Americans. Congress has a golden opportunity to do something that is unifying and bipartisan, instead of always engaging in the politics of division and partisanship. This governors letter shows the way forward is bipartisan.
The governors’ letter states, in part:
We stand with these young American immigrants not only because it is good for our communities and a strong American 21st century economy, but also because it is the right thing for our nation to do…
We urge you to support these young American immigrants by quickly sending a signal that we want them to continue to play a productive role in our communities. As a bipartisan coalition of governors, we stand ready to help.
Background: In September, President Trump terminated the DACA program, leaving the future of America’s Dreamers in the hands of Congress. Since then, hundreds of business leaders, colleges and universities, and other sectors of society have urged Congress to act without delay. For more on DACA, Dreamers, and the legislation needed to resolve their status, read this America’s Voice Immigration 101 piece.