Amidst a busy election day, one of the most talked about races was in Arizona, where the architect of the state's notorious "papers please" immigration law, State Senator Russell Pearce was decisively defeated by fellow Republican Jerry Lewis in a historic recall election with national implications. The pro-immigrant... Continue »
Amidst a busy election day, one of the most talked about races was in Arizona, where the architect of the state's notorious "papers please" immigration law, State Senator Russell Pearce was decisively defeated by fellow Republican Jerry Lewis in a historic recall election with national implications. The pro-immigrant... Continue »
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) yesterday admitted that the state's worst-in-the-nation immigration law needs changes. Gov. Bentley's comments come after continued stories criticizing the economic catastrophe for Alabama agriculture, burdensome new requirements forced upon Alabama small businesses, and damage to the state's reputation as a place foreign companies... Continue »
November 2011 marks not only one year before the 2012 election, but also represents an anniversary – it's been 25 years since President Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which granted legal permanent residency to nearly 2.7 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. Not... Continue »
The news that Mitt Romney is deploying automated attack calls in Iowa against Rick Perry on immigration should come as little surprise, given Romney's hard-line stance on immigration thus far in the 2012 cycle. What is notable, however, is that the anti-Perry calls feature an Arizona sheriff named... Continue »
The news that Mitt Romney is deploying automated attack calls in Iowa against Rick Perry on immigration should come as little surprise, given Romney's hard-line stance on immigration thus far in the 2012 cycle. What is notable, however, is that the anti-Perry calls feature an Arizona sheriff named... Continue »
One year out from the 2012 election, an updated report from America's Voice asserts that the Republican Party's stance on immigration—and what it means for their candidates' ability to compete for Latino voters—is shaping up as one of the major storylines this election cycle. The report finds... Continue »
Multiple Republican presidential contenders yesterday blasted the Justice Department for suing South Carolina over its egregiously misguided immigration law. Yet with the exception of Herman Cain, they have thus far remained silent on the devastating toll Alabama's own law is taking on families, businesses, and communities. Why... Continue »