America’s Voice “Every heartbeat hurts” “I can’t feel my heart” As Trump Rages – Devastating Military Preparedness and Disaster Relief Resources – Hurricane Dorian Threatens East Coast Pediatricians: Trump Administration is “Anti-Child” English Associated Press Military Base Cuts Affect Schools, Target Ranges, More September 04, 2019 Reuters Pentagon Pulls... Continue »
English San Antonio Express-News (Editorial) Texas domestic terrorism task force is a good start. But important voices are missing. August 28, 2019 Crooked (Op-Ed) WE NEED MORE SANCTUARY CITIES By Julissa Arce August 27, 2019 Associated Press US Moves FEMA, Coast Guard Money to Fund Border Programs August 27,... Continue »
English The Hill (Opinion) The Memo: Dangers loom for Trump on immigration By Niall Stanage August 23, 2019 Associated Press Federal Shift May Increase Asylum Backlogs in Northeast August 22, 2019 Reuters U.S. Urges Colombia and Central America to Help Stem Migration August 22, 2019 The New York Times... Continue »
America’s Voice TPS Holders Urge 9th Circuit to Maintain Injunction Preventing Trump Administration from Terminating the Legal Status of 400,000 People  Leading National Observers and Editorial Boards Take Aim At Trump Admin’s Public Charge Rule “To Live the American Dream…I Must Leave” Children & TPS Holder-Plaintiffs Fight to Stay... Continue »
America’s Voice Five Days That Shook America PHOTOS: Mississippi ICE Raid Arrests Hundreds of Parents, Leave Children Stranded at School English New Yorker How Beto O’Rourke and Julián Castro Respond to Trump’s War on Immigrants By Benjamin Wallace-Wells August 07, 2019 Associated Press Immigration raids at Mississippi food processing... Continue »
America’s Voice Democrats Taking Action to Address Trump’s Cruelty, Chaos, Failure and Floundering on Immigration and Border Policies Today, House Republicans Expected to Vote Against Water, Food, Medical Screening and Toilets for Children in Immigration Custody House Republicans Fail to Stand Up for Venezuelan and American Families English The... Continue »
America’s Voice Pili Tobar on USCIS Decision Not to Designate Venezuela for TPS (Temporary Protected Status) “The Nightmare of Child Separations Continues” House Oversight Committee Report Shows Leading Observers: Trump Uses Racism to Attack the American Experiment as a Reelection Strategy Las noticias más destacadas en español English ThinkProgress... Continue »
English BuzzFeed News Immigrant Asylum-Seekers May Get Less Time To Prepare Their Cases Under A New Trump Administration Rule By Hamed Aleaziz July 09, 2019 Black Star News TRUMP’S RACE-BAITING IMMIGRATION POLICIES HAVE CREATED A HUMAN RIGHTS CRISIS OF EPIC PROPORTIONS July 09, 2019 Associated Press Border Numbers Drop... Continue »
America’s Voice Righteous Outrage and Real Solutions: Democrats and Americans Support A Better Way Than Trump’s Treatment of Refugees and Immigrants Las noticias más destacadas en español English Associated Press Trump Transforms 2020 Immigration Debate-For Democrats July 02, 2019 Associated Press Trump transforms 2020 immigration debate – for Democrats... Continue »
America’s Voice “Trumpism” has opened its second Pandora’s box While Trump Lies, Children Suffering in Detention Centers and Communities Face Threats of Family Separation and Deportation English The Washington Post With White House threatening mass raids, undocumented immigrants try to stay out of sight By Arelis R. Hernandez and... Continue »