Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, calling it "a rather historic moment," on Friday signed a bill that cracks down on illegal immigration in the state by increasing some enforcement powers and requiring many employers to check the immigration status of new hires. Continue »
A proposal to provide college scholarships to the children of immigrants, even illegal immigrants, is forcing Illinois lawmakers to consider whether it's appropriate to lend a helping hand to people who are in the country improperly. Continue »
If President Barack Obama aimed to reach Hispanic voters with his focus on immigration this week, his plan may have backfired. A group of immigration activists complained that an Obama for America campaign email sent this week calling for immigration reform while requesting donations suggests that Obama is "asking... Continue »
Employers, increasingly double-checking would-be workers because of a nationwide crackdown on illegal immigration, may inadvertently be fanning demand for stolen documents -- with all the consequences that befall victims of identity theft, from tax and credit problems to trouble with the law. Continue »
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has gone to great lengths this year to help vulnerable 2012 Democrats avoid taking tough votes, packing the calendar with non-controversial bills and letting debate on them drag on. Continue »
Maryland is the latest state to extend college tuition breaks to undocumented immigrants who graduate from state high schools, provide tax returns going back five years, prove their academic mettle by completing two years of study in a community college and, for men, register for the draft. Continue »
Utah legislators passed an immigration law that they were confident wouldn't end up the same way Arizona's version did last year: tangled up in the courts. But 14 hours after Utah's law went into effect this week, it, too, was before a federal judge. Continue »
Legislators invoked their own immigrant roots Thursday in explaining their stands on a bill to allow undocumented immigrants to pay in-state tuition at public colleges and universities in Connecticut. The measure passed the state House of Representatives, 77-63. Continue »
On the heels of President Obama's renewed call to overhaul the nation's immigration laws in Texas on Tuesday, Senate Democrats are reintroducing a bill that would give legal status to some illegal immigrants who came into the United States as children. Continue »
Does it matter that President Obama gave a big immigration speech yesterday? Probably not. In part, that's because Obama has no direct power over comprehensive-immigration reform. He can't write legislation and he can't pass legislation. Continue »