A bipartisan group of 8 Senators releases their principles for immigration reform with a roadmap to citizenship…
Latino Decisions polling reveals that both Democrats and Republicans can lose/gain Latino voters depending on their support of immigration reform…
The U.S. Senate reconvened today and issued a list of their 2013 legislative priorities. Immigration reform is listed as S.1, signifying its importance to Senate leadership…
And 80% support an immigration bill that includes border protection, employer verification, roadmap to citizenship…
Watch Huff Post Live discuss Obama on immigration with Frank Sharry, Elise Foley, Alicia Menendez, Simon Rosenberg, and Jenny Yang…
New developments in the immigration debate offer fresh evidence that immigration reform that creates a roadmap to citizenship for 11 million immigrants is going to be a top priority in 2013…
Erika Andiola’s mother and brother have been released, but hundreds of thousands of friends and family members are deported every year…
The victory signifies the changed nature of immigration reform–and how common-sense immigration policies are on the rise…
After spending more on immigration enforcement than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined, and achieving record levels of enforcement, the immigration system remains broken. The missing piece is addressing the status of undocumented Americans here today…
Immigration reform will happen because Americans support it, Democrats promised it, and Republicans need it…