Tomorrow, tens of thousands of immigration reform advocates will gather together in more than 180 events in 40 different states around the nation. They’ll be demanding that Congress take action and pass immigration reform with a path to citizenship. And they’ll be calling for an end to the deportations that have separated millions of families.
Sometime before the end of the year, President Obama is scheduled to hit an ugly milestone: his 2 millionth deportation, more removals than has been undertaken by any other president. Despite repeated vows to change deportation priorities, those who are deported are still far too often mothers and fathers who have committed no crimes. And as a result of their deportations, thousands of children are forced to live in foster care, separated from and unable to reunite with their parents.
We need Congress to pass a permanent solution to immigration reform, one that includes a pathway to citizenship. But we need executive action on this ugly record of deportations, as well. Check out this graphic below, from NDLON: