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PHOTOS: It’s May Day!

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Today was May Day, a historic celebration of workers and immigrant workers, and labor unions, immigrant rights groups, and allies came together to celebrate years and follow years of tradition.

Our colleague, Juan Escalante, recapped many of the events happening around the nation in this Twitter thread:

Meanwhile, in Wakeusha, Wisconsin, advocates with Voces de la Frontera and others organized a 10,000-strong workers’ strike during which 100 participating businesses closed, in order to push county Sheriff Eric Severson to reject a 287(g) agreement that would force local police to double as ICE agents.

Buses came to Waukesha from over 12 cities, and thousands of students affiliated with Voces’ student arm Youth Empowered in the Struggle were a part of the “Day without Latinxs and Immigrants”, which have in the past defeated 287(g) agreements in neighboring counties and anti-immigrant bills in the state legislature. Sheriff Severson signed the 287(g) agreement in February of this year, and local deputies are scheduled to receive training this June and July. The agreement would make communities in Waukesha less safe, as police become deputized to target immigrants and immigrants become unwilling to work with the police.

As Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera, said in a statement today:

The 287g program is part of Trump’s white nationalist plan to divide working people and implement a cruel mass deportation program targeting people of color, immigrants, and refugees. Sheriff Severson’s contract with ICE makes it clear: all immigrants will be targets for deportation. But we have faced this threat before and defeated it. We will launch a campaign that will include all segments of the community to defeat 287g in Waukesha. We will ensure that immigrants, Latinos and others who live in or come to Waukesha are trained to know their rights. We will build sanctuary communities in every county in Wisconsin to reject efforts to take on an immigration role and instead promote policies that foster welcoming communities. We will organize statewide support to restore driver licenses for immigrants and US Citizens who are also disenfranchised and criminalized.

View photos from the Wakeusha event here or below: