America’s Voice
After Last Week’s Violence, Hateful Ads Against Migrant Caravan Need to Come Down
Frank Sharry: El presidente Trump debe cancelar su discurso sobre inmigración
La retórica de odio de Trump cosecha violentas consecuencias
Frank Sharry: President Trump Should Cancel Tuesday Night’s Immigration Speech
ICYMI: E.J. Dionne Jr., “Trump’s grip on power depends on splitting the nation in two”
Buzzfeed Critics Say The Trump Administration Hasn’t Done Enough To Stop Right-Wing Extremism
By Adolfo Flores and Hamed Aleaziz
October 27, 2018
Reuters Charleston Church Grieves Synagogue Massacre, Angry at Trump Rhetoric
October 28, 2018
New York Times HIAS, the Jewish Agency Criticized by the Shooting Suspect, Has a History of Aiding Refugees
By Miriam Jordan
October 28, 2018
The Hill Jewish leaders tell Trump he’s not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism
October 26, 2018
Portland Press Herald Forum at Portland synagogue focuses on immigration policy
October 28, 2016
Associated Press Immigrants seeking citizenship face growing backlog in applications
October 26, 2016
Axios U.S. citizenship application process wait time reaches two years
By Khorri Atkinson
October 28, 2016
Associated Press 1 Migrant Dies as 2nd Group Tries to Force Entry Into Mexico
October 22, 2016
Associated Press Militia Offers to Help Stop Caravan Raise Concern at Border
October 26, 2018
Reuters Central American Caravan Moves On in Spite of Mexico Jobs Offer
October 27, 2018
Reuters New U.S.-Bound Group of Migrants Sets Off From El Salvador
October 28, 2018
New York Times Migrants Reach a Crossroads in Mexico, Far From the Raging Debate
By Kirk Semple
October 27, 2018
Washington Post A new migrant caravan from El Salvador is making its way north
By Anna-Catherine Brigida
October 28, 2018
USA Today ‘It’s not turning people away, it’s asking them to wait’: Border Patrol preps for arrival of migrant caravan
By Alan Gomez
October 27, 2018
USA Today Migrant caravan passes on Mexico’s offer of work permits, continues trek north
By David Agren
October 27, 2018
Politico DHS secretary: ‘This caravan is not getting in’
October 26, 2018
Politico Pentagon: More support troops headed to Mexican border
October 26, 2018
The Hill Trump’s anti-caravan efforts follow decades of regional frustration
October 28, 2018
Associated Press US citizen from San Bernardino held by immigration agents wins $55K settlement
October 28, 2016
Associated Press ACLU Sues Dodge City Over Voting Access for Hispanics
October 26, 2018
The Hill Watchdog sues Trump administration over family separation records
October 28, 2018
Colorado Public Radio Two Sheriffs With Two Different ICE Policies Say They Want Clarity From A Higher Court
October 29, 2018
By Nick Pinto
October 28, 2016
Associated Press Casey, Barletta duel over guns, immigration, economy
October 26, 2018
Associated Press Trump Pitches Policy in Final Midterm Message
October 27, 2018
Reuters Special Report: How Republicans are using immigration to scare voters to the polls
By Joseph Tanfani, Jason Lange, and Letitia Stein
October 27, 2016
New York Times Gun Violence and Pipe Bombs Jolt Voters as Election Season Ends. ‘Again?’ One Asks.
By Elizabeth Dias
October 28, 2018
New York Times To Cast Their Ballots, These Voters Will Have to Get Out of Dodge
By Mitch Smith
October 26, 2018
Washington Post Following the Pittsburgh attack, Rep. Steve King’s Iowa supporters brush aside concern about his white nationalist views
By Julie Zauzmer
October 26, 2018
Politico Trump officials irked that Border Patrol union endorsed 3 Senate Democrats
October 26, 2018
The Hill O’Rourke scrambles to win over Latino voters in Texas
October 28, 2018
By Aída Chávez
October 26, 2018
The Guardian Democrats hope Latino voters will help them win. Don’t count on it
By Ruy Teixeira
October 26, 2018
Fortune Lyft Partners With Voto Latino to Help Get Dodge City Voters to the Polls
October 22, 2016
Mic Trump blasts migrant caravan ahead of midterms
By Alison Durkee
October 28, 2016
Associated Press Mexico Torn Between Stopping, Aiding Migrant Caravan
October 27, 2018
Washington Post Mexicans shower the caravan with kindness — and tarps, tortillas and medicine
By Joshua Partlow
October 27, 2018
Associated Press Wait Times for Citizenship Applications Stretch to 2 Years
October 28, 2018
Washington Post A conspiracy theory about George Soros and a migrant caravan inspired horror
By Joel Achenbach
October 28, 2018
Washington Post Trump preparing to deliver major immigration speech just days before midterms
By Nick Miroff and Maria Sacchetti
October 27, 2016
Daily Beast Immigration Is No Joke? Tell That to Aasif Mandvi
By Naveen Kumar
October 28, 2016
San Francisco Chronicle California immigrants worried about health care under Trump green card plan
By Catherine Ho
October 28, 2016
El Paso Times Lawyers, advocates protest Tornillo shelter; 100 migrants left at Greyhound bus station
By Aaron Martinez
October 28, 2016
Chicago Tribune (Illinois) Crowd in East Chicago rallies against use of Gary airport for ICE deportations
By Carole Carlson
October 28, 2016
The Plain Dealer (Ohio) Cleveland Heights Immigration Task Force ends without making its recommendation
By Janet H. Cho
October 28, 2016
Texas Public Radio (Texas) Abrupt Release From Detention Sends Many Immigrants Through San Antonio
October 28, 2016
New York Times (Editorial) The Hate Poisoning America
October 28, 2018
Washington Post (Editorial) Voters, this is what’s at stake in the midterms
October 27, 2018
LA Times (Editorial) Locking up would-be immigrants is inhumane and unnecessary
October 27, 2016
Chicago Sun Times (Editorial) When politicians in Illinois take the low road on immigration
October 28, 2016
New York Times (Op-Ed) Mexico Should Not Consent to Do Washington’s Dirty Work
By Jorge G. Castañeda
October 27, 2018
New York Times (Op-Ed) I’m a Child of Immigrants. And I Have a Plan to Fix Immigration.
By Sonia Nazario
October 26, 2018
Washington Post (Opinion) Trump’s grip on power depends on splitting the nation in two
By E.J. Dionne Jr.
October 28, 2018
Washington Post (Opinion) What is happening to our country?
By Max Boot
October 27, 2018
Washington Post (Opinion) These things are not the same
By Jennifer Rubin
October 28, 2018
The Atlantic (Opinion) Trump’s Caravan Hysteria Led to This
By Adam Serwer
October 27, 2018
The Atlantic (Opinion) The Worst of Our Country—And the Best
By James Fallows
October 27, 2018
CNN (Op-Ed) Don’t be fooled by Trump’s caravan misinformation campaign
By Raul Reyes
October 26, 2018
USA Today (Op-Ed) Trump is right to stop illegal alien caravan instead of rolling out welcome mat
By Brandon Judd
October 26, 2016
The Hill (Op-Ed) Caravan hysteria is unwarranted — many more have come before
October 28, 2018
The Hill (Op-Ed) Don’t forsake the Golden Rule in immigration policy
October 28, 2018
The Hill (Op-Ed) Prior estimates of undocumented immigrants in the US were way off
October 28, 2018
The Hill (Op-Ed) Trump can refuse to accept asylum applications
October 28, 2018
San Francisco Chronicle (Op-Ed) Giving immigrants amnesty a success US needs to repeat
By Joe Mathews
October 28, 2016
Forbes (Op-Ed) Trump’s Immigration Policies Are Moderate By EU Standards
By Roslyn Layton
October 28, 2016
Forward (Op-Ed) How Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Hate Led To A Synagogue Shooting Read more:
By Ari Ne’eman
October 28, 2016
St. Louis Dispatch (Op-Ed) Families belong together
By Chris Palusky
October 28, 2016
Boston Herald (Op-Ed) Take realistic look at immigration
By Mona Charen
October 26, 2016
Noticiero Univision Nueva caravana de migrantes sale de El Salvador rumbo a Estados Unidos (Video)
By Ernesto Rivas
October 28, 2018
Noticiero Univision Enfrentamientos entre migrantes y policías dejan al menos un muerto en la frontera México-Guatemala (Video)
By Alejandro Madrigal
October 28, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Éxodo hondureño, exhausto, irá con Solalinde camino a La Villa
By Gardenia Mendoza Aguilar
October 28, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Migrantes dan portazo en frontera, buscan entrar a territorio mexicano
October 28, 2018
La Opinión (CA) “Extraño a mi mamá…¡me regreso a Honduras!”
By Gardenia Mendoza Aguilar
October 28, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Ejército inicia trabajos en la frontera sur a la espera de la Caravana Migrante
October 28, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Ciudad de México da gran ejemplo con la Caravana Migrante
October 29, 2018
LatinoCalifornia Trump y el Partido Republicano están pasando de lo cínico a lo peligroso
By Frank Sharry
October 28, 2018
El Mundo El suspenso del voto latino para el 6 de noviembre
By Maribel Hastings
October 26, 2018
Los Angeles Times Trump prepara un plan para cerrar la frontera a los migrantes centroamericanos y desplegar tropas
By Nick Miroff, Dan Lamothe y David Nakamura
October 26, 2018
El Nuevo Herald Trump considera prohibir entrada de inmigrantes centroamericanos a EEUU
By Anita Kumar y Brenda Medina
October 26, 2018
Hoy Los Ángeles Trump ordena despliegue de militares en la frontera sur
By Roberts Burns y Jill Colvin- Associated Press
October 26, 2018
October 26, 2018
October 26, 2018
Miami Diario Reforzarán militarmente frontera sur de USA ante llegada de migrantes
By WSVN 7 News
October 26, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Grupos de ultraderecha armados se preparan para detener la caravana migrante en la frontera
October 28, 2018
Al Punto/Univision Asesora de Trump reafirma que la caravana está siendo financiada por organizaciones izquierdistas (Video)
By Jorge Ramos
October 28, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Texas espera a la Caravana con equipos antimotines (Video)
October 27, 2018
Univision Noticias Qué lecciones han dejado las caravanas de migrantes que llevan a otros a emprender el viaje hacia EEUU
By Jorge Cancino
October 27, 2018
Univision- Al Punto Jóvenes huyendo de la muerte y madres desesperadas: lo que vio Jorge Ramos en la frontera (Video)
By Jorge Ramos
October 28, 2018
La Opinión Directora DHS: ejército “no tiene intención por ahora” de disparar a la Caravana Migrante
October 26, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Por ahora no hay intención de disparar contra la caravana, dice secretaria de Seguridad Nacional
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP Y NBC News
October 26, 2018
Noticiero Univision Peña Nieto lanza el plan ‘Estás en tu casa’ para proteger a los migrantes de la caravana (Video)
October 26, 2018
La Opinión “No voy en tren, voy en jalón”: El viaje de unos hondureños, sobre una camioneta
By Gardenia Mendoza
October 28, 2018
La Opinión Caravana hacia Juchitán: “Soy Yoni, de Honduras, ¿Quién ofrece refugio?”
By Gardenia Mendoza
October 27, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Caravana de migrantes llega a estado mexicano de Oaxaca tras bloqueo policial
By Olga Luna con información de EFE / Agencia EFE
October 27, 2018
La Opinión Caravana Migrante, adelante hacia Oaxaca, entre achaques, llagas y dolor
By Gardenia Mendoza
October 26, 2018
CNN en Español Este es el camino que seguirá la caravana de migrantes en los próximos días (Video)
October 26, 2018
El Nuevo Herald Policía de México bloquea paso a caravana de migrantes
By The Associated Press
October 27, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Gobierno advierte que agentes se defenderán de la Caravana Migrante (Video)
October 27, 2018
La Opinión Las “tácticas oscuras” de Guatemala para detener a los hondureños en Caravana Migrante
By BBC Mundo
October 26, 2018
Univision Noticias Diario de la caravana: México ofrece identificaciones y permisos de trabajo temporales a los migrantes
October 27, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Devuelto a Honduras el niño de 12 años que viajaba solo en la Caravana (Video)
October 26, 2018
Noticias Telemundo En fotos: El rostro de una de las niñas que viaja en la caravana de migrantes con su mamá y su osito de peluche
By Lyan Babilonia
October 26, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Médicos voluntarios atienden a caravana migrante. “Es abrumador la cantidad de niños deshidratados”
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP
October 26, 2018
Yahoo Noticias Trump evaluaría imponer veto migratorio para frenar migrantes
By Justin Sink-Bloomberg
October 26, 2018
La Opinión Trump quiere “veto migratorio” para centroamericanos en Caravana Migrante
October 26, 2018
La Opinión Enviada especial: Caravana Migrante exigirá en el Senado la eliminación de visas
By Gardenia Mendoza
October 26, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Esta bebita de solo tres meses lleva 15 días de extenuante camino hacia EEUU. Sus papás no piensan rendirse
By Alba Moraleda/ Noticias Telemundo
October 26, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Exigen en Arizona “fin al trauma” de niños inmigrantes separados de padres
By Olga Luna con información de EFE
October 27, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Descubren a 14 niños más que fueron separados de sus familias por la administración Trump
October 26, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Madre salvadoreña demanda al DHS para exigir reunificación con su hijo
By María Peña
October 25, 2018
Univision Noticias- Destino 2018 Por qué millones de ciudadanos no votarán en estas eleccciones y qué impacto tiene su abstención
By Eduardo Suárez
October 27, 2018
Univision Noticias Desesperado y cruel: el último intento republicano para distraer a los votantes hispanos
By Claudia Flores
October 26, 2018
La Opinión ICE pagará alta suma de dinero a ciudadana que capturó pensando que era indocumentada
October 26, 2018
Univision 34-Los Angeles Lanzan un fondo legal para guiar y proteger a personas que se enfrentan a la deportación (Video)
October 26, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Trump anunciará fuerte medida migratoria antes de las elecciones
October 28, 2018
La Opinión Trump promete “mano más dura” contra la inmigración ilegal, mientras el Pentágono aprueba nuevo despliegue militar en la frontera
By María Peña
October 26, 2018
La Opinión Mayoría de latinos desaprueba de Trump y la mitad cree que EEUU ha empeorado, dice encuesta de Pew
By María Peña
October 26, 2018
Al Punto/Univision ¿Incitó Donald Trump a la violencia con sus ataques y críticas? (Video)
By Jorge Ramos
October 28, 2018
Univision Noticias “Trump deportará a tus primos ilegales hoy”, el grito de odio de un hombre a una hispana en Houston
October 26, 2018
Univision Venezolanos rompen récord de solicitud de asilo en EEUU pero pocos lo obtienen
By Tamoa Calzadilla y José Fernando López
October 28, 2018
CNN en Español Estados Unidos tiene más inmigrantes que cualquier otro país: las cifras clave
October 26, 2018
La Opinión (LA) CHIRLA abre oficina para atender a detenidos por ICE y solicitantes de asilo
By Araceli Martínez Ortega
October 26, 2018
Univision 41- San Antonio Soñar es poder: Yvette Patiño (Video)
October 26, 2018
Noticiero Univision Polémica por tecnología de reconocimiento facial que Amazon le vendería a servicios de inmigración (Video)
By Luis Megid
October 25, 2018
Univision Noticias Los niños de la caravana
By Jorge Ramos
October 26, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Policía de México bloquea paso a caravana de migrantes
By Olga Luna con información de Associated Press
October 27, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Madre salvadoreña demanda al DHS para exigir reunificación con su hijo
By María Peña / La Opinión
October 26, 2018
Univision- Despierta América Satcha Pretto fue testigo del desgarrador momento en que una madre hondureña pide ayuda para su niña enferma (Video)
By Satcha Pretto
October 26, 2018
CNN en Español El gobierno de Trump está considerando emitir un decreto similar a la prohibición de viajes para la frontera con México, informa el diario San Francisco Chronicle
By Kate Sullivan
October 26, 2018
Univision Noticias Diario de la caravana: Migrantes avanzan hacia EEUU mientras Trump anuncia el envío de militares a la frontera
October 26, 2018
El Nuevo Herald Trump estudia cerrar la frontera a los migrantes centroamericanos solicitantes de asilo
By Agencia EFE
October 26, 2018
CNN en Español Caravana de inmigrantes ya decidió la ruta para ir de México a EE.UU. (Video)
October 26, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Los 7 planes para inmigrantes que USCIS quiere concretar este año
By La Opinión
October 26, 2018