McClatchy Once called ‘Lindsey Grahamnesty,’ Graham now writing bill to tighten asylum laws
By Emma Dumain
May 08, 2019
The Wall Street Journal Immigrant Arrests Smash Records, and U.S. Border Struggles to Handle the Crush
By Alicia A. Caldwell
May 08, 2019
The Wall Street Journal U.S. Border Patrol Reports Another Surge of Arrests at Southern Border
By Louise Radnofsky
May 08, 2019
The Washington Post From the border, more frustrating immigration numbers for President Trump
By Nick Miroff
May 08, 2019
Politico Border Patrol arrested nearly 99,000 migrants in April
By Ted Hesson
May 08, 2019
The Hill Border arrests near 100K in April, highest since 2007
By Rafael Bernal
May 08, 2019
USA Today Southern border crossings by asylum-seeking migrants kept rising in April, set new record
By Alan Gomez
May 08, 2019
CNN Apprehensions on the US-Mexico border highest since 2009
By Geneva Sands and Priscilla Alvarez
May 08, 2019
Associated Press Teen’s death raises new questions about US care of migrants
By Nomaan Merchant and Sonia Perez D.
May 09, 2019
The New York Times Pentagon Has Redirected Money to Build 256 Miles of Border Barriers, Shanahan Says
By Emily Cochrane
May 08, 2019
CNN White House backs Stephen Miller proposal to let Border Patrol agents to conduct asylum interviews
By Geneva Sands, Priscilla Alvarez and Evan Perez
May 08, 2019
CNN White House backs Stephen Miller proposal to let Border Patrol agents to conduct asylum interviews
By Geneva Sands, Priscilla Alvarez and Evan Perez
May 08, 2019
Politico Dems look to modify Dreamer bill to break internal logjam
By Sarah Ferris and Heather Caygle
May 08, 2019
Forbes Immigration Cops Just Spent A Record $1 Million On The World’s Most Advanced iPhone Hacking Tech
By Thomas Brewster
May 08, 2019
Arizona Republic Tucson high school student arrested by Border Patrol released
By Rafael Carranza
May 08, 2019
Orlando Sentinel Jail deputies serve immigration warrants for ICE under new program
By Bianca Padró Ocasio
May 08, 2019
The Hill Trump officials target authority of judges to issue national injunctions
By Jacqueline Thomsen and Brett Samuels
May 08, 2019
The Hill Aid group files claim accusing ICE, private prison, of blocking migrants’ legal access
By Rachel Frazin
May 08, 2019
By Massoud Hayoun
May 08, 2019
Associated Press Biden promises border plan soon to counter Trump policy
May 08, 2019
The Wall Street Journal Mexico Proposes Redirecting U.S. Security Aid to Address Migrant Crisis
By José de Córdoba and Juan Montes
May 08, 2019
The Hill Obama DHS secretary pulls out of commencement speech after opposition to immigration policies: report
By Zack Budryk
May 08, 2019
The Washington Post Nearly half of white Republicans say it bothers them to hear people speaking foreign languages
By Christopher Ingraham
May 08, 2019
The Washington Post ‘Shoot them!’: Trump laughs off a supporter’s demand for violence against migrants
By Antonia Noori Farzan
May 09, 2019
Washington Times 87% of illegal immigrant families are no-shows for deportation: ICE
By Stephen Dinan
May 08, 2019
Associated Press (Maryland) Hogan praises approval of visas to support crab industry
May 08, 2019
CBS News (Nevada) In Nevada, Democratic candidates shy away from key immigration debate
By Alexander Tin
May 08, 2019
Detroit Free Press (Michigan) Michigan congressmen’s bill would stop deportation of Iraqi immigrants
By Niraj Warikoo
May 08, 2019
City News Service (California) L.A. County Sheriff’s Department won’t arrest and hold immigrants for ICE
May 08, 2019
Fort Collins Coloradoan (Colorado) One DREAMer’s journey takes her from the border to graduation at Colorado State University
By Kelly Ragan
May 08, 2019
The Wall Street Journal (Editorial) Judicial Border Epiphany
May 08, 2019
The OC Register (Editorial) ICE immigrant transfers are cruel and unreasonable
May 08, 2019
The New York Times (Opinion) The Supreme Court, the Census Case and the Truth
By Linda Greenhouse
May 09, 2019
The Washington Post (Op-Ed) The Trump administration wants to charge for asylum. For some refugees, the price may be too high.
By Kevin Jennings
May 09, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act: The case for a more merit-based immigration system
By Senator Mike Lee and Senator Kevin Cramer
May 08, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Demócratas condenan nuevo plan migratorio de Trump
By María Peña
May 08, 2019
Univision Cerca de 100,000 arrestos de inmigrantes en la frontera: el mayor número desde 2007
By Patricia Clarembaux
May 08, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Acción Afirmativa para los mexicanos en el exterior
By María Luisa Arredondo
May 08, 2019
La Opinión Activistas hallan restos de cuatro inmigrantes en frontera de Arizona
By Agencia EFE
May 08, 2019
La Opinión La “enorme puerta” que Trump promete a algunos inmigrantes
May 08, 2019
Univision 41- San Antonio La organización RAICES exige la liberación de indocumentados que aun permanecen en centros de detención (Video)
May 08, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Inmigrantes ‘compran’ niños por 130 dólares. Fingen ser familia para cruzar más fácil la frontera
By Bruno G. Gallo
May 08, 2019
Univision 23- Miami Reportan una nueva fuga de al menos 300 migrantes en centro de Tapachula, tras una falla del servicio eléctrico (Video)
May 08, 2019
Univision Noticias Demócratas rechazan darle a Trump fondos adicionales para la seguridad fronteriza
By Jorge Cancino
May 08, 2019
CNN en Español ICE enfrenta demandas colectivas (Video)
By Liliana Escalante
May 08, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Estos son los inmigrantes que excluye el nuevo plan migratorio de Trump (Video)
May 08, 2019
La Raza La caótica frontera mexicana volverá a recibir a los migrantes
By Gardenia Mendoza
May 08, 2019
Univision-Edición Digital Conoce a la colombiana detrás de la obra de arte que representa la separación de familias en EEUU (Video)
May 08, 2019
Univision 41/ New York Dominicanos no serán elegibles para visas de trabajos temporales en EEUU en el 2019
May 08, 2019
Propublica Una de las pediatras que atendió a niños inmigrantes describe un patrón de brechas en la atención medica proporcionada en los albergues
By Michael Grabell
May 08, 2019
El Diario-NY Comienza juicio por demanda contra ICE sobre detenciones erróneas
By Agencia EFE
May 08, 2019
CNN en Español Oportunidades de trabajo y protección para los inmigrantes: lo que sabemos del plan de desarrollo sobre migración de México y Centroamérica
May 08, 2019
Noticiero Univision La posible deportación de un estudiante hispano genera protestas de sus compañeros de escuela en Arizona (Video)
May 07, 2019
La Opinión Comienza juicio por demanda contra ICE sobre detenciones erróneas
May 08, 2019
Impacto Latino Comienza juicio en California por la demanda conocida como González v. ICE
May 08, 2019
Univision 34- Atlanta Continúan esfuerzos para sacar a ICE del condado de Gwinnett (Video)
May 08, 2019
La Opinión Corte concede triunfo a Trump contra inmigrantes y el presidente celebra en Twitter
By Agencia EFE
May 08, 2019
Univision- Despierta América Victoria legal para el gobierno de Trump: sí puede devolver a México a ciertos solicitantes de asilo mientras resuelve (Video)
May 08, 2019
Voa Noticias Corte: EE.UU. puede obligar a migrantes a esperar en México
May 08, 2019
La Opinión ‘The Unafraid’, una historia de resistencia de ‘soñadores’
May 08, 2019
Telemundo 48 Jared Kushner, el yerno de Trump, presenta su polémico plan migratorio
May 08, 2019
Univision Noticias Migrantes varados son mano de obra barata y víctimas fáciles de estafas en la frontera
By Isaias Alvarado
May 08, 2019
Miami Diario ¡Sentencia! Aspirantes de asilo deben permanecer en México
By Telemundo 51
May 08, 2019
Impacto Latino Justicia avala que Trump siga enviando a México a solicitantes de asilo
By Agencia EFE
May 08, 2019
La Opinión (LA) Niños no acompañados de Guatemala reciben la residencia de los EE UU
By Araceli Martínez Ortega
May 08, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Corte: EEUU puede obligar a migrantes a esperar en México
By Brian Melley y Elliot Spagat – Associated Press
May 08, 2019