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Immigration Reform News June 27, 2024 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración

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La Opinion Latinos piden priorizar a Biden y Trump vivienda asequible, castigo a ‘coyotes’ y fin a tiroteos
By Armando Hernandez
June 27, 2024

Telemundo Detienen a dos sujetos acusados de hacerse pasar por agentes de inmigración para robar a hispanos
June 27, 2024

Univision Un debate sin precedentes: Biden y Trump se enfrentan esta noche y es inédito en varios aspectos
By Simon Gomez
June 27, 2024

La Opinion Mayorkas asegura que agentes de migración están “entrenados” para identificar a solicitantes de asilo
June 26, 2024

La Opinion La Patrulla Fronteriza detuvo a 118 migrantes haitianos en un bote en las costas de Florida
By Maria Ortiz
June 26, 2024

El Diario NY Gobernadora de Massachusetts envió funcionarios a la frontera de Texas con un mensaje para los migrantes
June 26, 2024

El Pais De detener migrantes a abrirles las puertas: el cambio de vida del agente fronterizo DeBruhl
By Marta Graus
June 26, 2024

El Pais El asesinato de la niña Jocelyn Nungaray: el último recurso de Trump contra los migrantes
By Paola Nagovitch
June 26, 2024

El Pais Mueren ahogadas tres personas en el Río Grande cuando intentaban cruzar la frontera de México a Estados Unidos
By Marisol Jimenez
June 26, 2024

The Latino Newsletter Latino Data Hub Action Lab Launched for Advocacy and Policymaking Efforts
June 26, 2024

El Semanario Biden immigration order is a light at the end of a long tunnel of hope
By Maribel Hastings
June 26, 2024

Newsweek ISIS Smuggling Reports Create Border Firestorm Before Trump, Biden Debate
By Aila Slisco
June 27, 2024

Los Angeles Times Trump wants mass deportations. Can Biden sell a more nuanced approach during the debate?
By Benjamin Oreskes
June 26, 2024

Axios These 4 issues will likely define the Trump-Biden debate
By Ivana Saric
June 27, 2024

New York Times The Four Issues Trump and Biden Will Clash Over at the Debate
By Nicholas Nehamas and Michael Gold
June 25, 2024

Politico Guess how much border crossing numbers plummeted after Biden put in a new policy
June 26, 2024

CBS News 8 arrested men with ties to ISIS feared to have been plotting potential terrorist attack in U.S., sources said
By Pat Milton, Robert Legare, Nicole Sganga, Camilo Montoya-Galvez
June 26, 2024

The Hill House progressive form caucus to reframe immigration debate
June 26, 2024

America What you may not hear about immigration during the Biden-Trump debate
By J. Kevin Appleby
June 25, 2024

Washington Post The asylum backlog is crushing. The DHS report calculated that 54 percent of 762,432 asylum cases filed between 2017 and 2023 weren’t resolved within 180 days, with some taking up to five years to adjudicate. Among the stalled asylum cases, 620 involved “potential national security concerns,” the report said. The Biden administration tried to pass bipartisan border-security legislation this year, but it was derailed by former president Donald Trump — who evidently prefers blaming Democrats for the border mess to trying to fix it. President Biden finally issued an executive order this month imposing greater controls. But rather than making a forceful call to action, Biden did it quietly, over protests from progressive interest groups. A solid, well-policed border is an essential condition of public safety. I pray that Biden doesn’t find out in the next few months just how dangerous our lack of bipartisan border policy could be.
By Lori Rozsa
June 26, 2024

Washington Post (Opinion) That clock ticking on our border policy impasse could be a time bomb
By David Ignatius
June 26, 2024


El Pais Trump y Biden, ante el difícil reto de atraer a los moderados en un debate sin concesiones
By Miguel Jimenez
June 26, 2024