America’s Voice
What is a National Emergency? And Why Trump’s Threat to Declare One is a Racist Political Stunt
Trump’s Manufactured “National Emergency”
“Hay una emergencia nacional y se llama Presidencia de Donald Trump”
ICYMI: First Day Of New Trial Further Exposes Trump’s Racism in Ending TPS for 59,000 Haitians
“There is a national emergency and it is called the presidency of Donald Trump”
Reuters Trump to Make Case About U.S. Border ‘Crisis’ in Address About Wall
January 08, 2019
Reuters Trump Plans Televised Address, Visit to Mexico Border
January 07, 2019
Wall Street Journal Trump to Appeal to Public in Push for Wall
By Rebecca Ballhaus, Michael C. Bender and Peter Nicholas
January 07, 2019
Washington Post ‘This president lies daily’: Critics demand networks fact-check Trump’s live immigration speech
By Isaac Stanley-Becker
January 08, 2019
Washington Post Trump to make prime-time address, visit U.S.-Mexico border amid shutdown stalemate
By Felicia Sonmez , Josh Dawsey and Paul Farhi
January 07, 2019
Washington Post As Trump prepares border visit, Democrats seek other ways to say ‘No border wall’
By Colby Itkowitz
January 07, 2019
Politico Trump wages PR war as shutdown talks falter
January 07, 2019
The Hill Jose Andres invites Trump to visit shelters at border, says there’s no national emergency
January 08, 2019
NBC News To air or not to air: Networks face pressure over broadcasting Trump’s immigration address
By Dylan Byers
January 08, 2019
USA Today Government shutdown: Congress back at work, Trump to give prime-time address. Will it matter?
By Michael Collins, David Jackson, John Fritze and Bill Theobald,
January 08, 2019
Vox Networks giving Trump free airtime on Tuesday refused to air Obama’s 2014 immigration speech
By Matthew Yglesias
January 08, 2019
Bloomberg White House Pressure Ended Protection for Haitians, Lawyer Says
By Patricia Hurtado
January 08, 2019
NY Daily News Lawyer: ‘racist animus’ behind Trump administration push to revoke Haitian immigrants’ status
January 08, 2019
WNYC Brooklyn Lawsuit Aims To Revive Protection For Haitian Immigrants
January 07, 2019
Metro Trump on trial: Haitian refugees get their day in court
By Will Drickey
January 07, 2019
News 12 Brooklyn Immigrants rally as court battle over TPS gets underway
January 08, 2019
BK Reader Brooklyn Pols Rally in Support of Lawsuit Against Trump’s Move to End TPS for Haitians
By Andrea Leonhardt
January 07, 2019
Reuters Scenarios: How Trump, U.S. Congress Might End Border Wall Shutdown Fight
January 07, 2019
New York Times A Wall and Two Prayers, but Little Progress at Weekend Meetings on the Shutdown
By Maggie Haberman and Annie Karni
January 07, 2019
Politico Coons: Trump’s steel-slat proposal is ‘progress’ toward ending shutdown
January 07, 2019
Politico Trump’s dubious claim of federal worker backing for shutdown is a familiar tactic
January 08, 2019
Politico Trump wages intense but lonely campaign for his border wall
January 08, 2019
The Hill Political strategist says Dreamers could play role in negotiations to end shutdown
By Julia Manchester
January 07, 2019
The Hill Pelosi cranks up shutdown pressure on Trump, GOP
January 08, 2019
The Hill Dem senator pitches wall funding in exchange for immigration vote
January 08, 2019
Associated Press AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s Myth of a Terrorist Tide From Mexico
January 07, 2019
NBC Only six immigrants in terrorism database stopped by CBP at southern border in first half of 2018
By Julia Ainsley
January 07, 2019
Associated Press Judge orders Iraqi man released after long detention
January 07, 2019
Associated Press Expert: Census citizenship question would worsen undercount
January 07, 2019
Reuters Explainer: Trump’s Emergency Threat on Wall Risks Dual Legal Challenge
January 08, 2019
Reuters Explainer: Trump’s Emergency Threat on Wall Risks Dual Legal Challenge
January 07, 2019
New York Times Helping Immigrants Find Their Path to Citizenship
By Remy Tumin
January 07, 2019
The Hill Judge grants Trump admin request to put asylum ban lawsuit on hold during shutdown
January 08, 2019
WNYC Stuck in Limbo: How the Government Shutdown is Affecting Immigration Courts
January 07, 2019
Reuters Democrats Touring Border Warn Trump Against Diverting Funds for Wall
January 08, 2019
New York Times Trump’s Border Wall and National Emergency Powers, Explained
By Charlie Savage
January 08, 2019
New York Times Trump Wants to Deliver Prime-Time Address on Government Shutdown and Will Visit the Border
By Maggie Haberman, Michael M. Grynbaum and Eileen Sullivan
January 07, 2019
The Daily (Popcast) Is there a crisis at the border?
By Michael Barbaro
January 08, 2019
Washington Post Trump claimed ex-presidents told him they wanted to build a wall. Four of them say it’s not true.
By Eli Rosenberg
January 07, 2019
Washington Post For years, Trump promised to build a wall from concrete. Now he says it will be built from steel.
By JM Rieger
January 07, 2019
The Hill Jimmy Carter joins former presidents denying discussing border wall with Trump
January 07, 2019
USA Today President Trump could declare a national emergency. But would that get him funds for a wall?
By William Cummings and John Fritze
January 07, 2019
Washington Post The U.S. sends thousands of deportees each month to Mexico’s most dangerous border areas
By Kevin Sieff
January 08, 2019
East Texas Matters Daily ICE migrant drop-off numbers swell overwhelming shelters
By Claudia Tristan
January 07, 2019
Washington Post President Trump’s desperate, nonsensical claim that Mexico is paying for the wall
By Glenn Kessler
January 08, 2019
Independent 22 immigrants died in US custody since Trump became president, report reveals
By Clark Mindock
January 08, 2019
The Hill Major Latino organization moves its convention to Puerto Rico
January 07, 2019
Reuters Trump to Address Nation on Immigration Tuesday at 9 P.m./0200 GMT
January 07, 2019
CBS 8 (California) Immigration activists speak out on ‘humanitarian crisis’ in San Diego
By Neda Iranpour
January 08, 2019
New York Times (Editorial) Borderline Insanity
January 08, 2019
Wall Street Journal (Opinion) Trump Can’t Afford to Lose
By William McGurn
January 08, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Is there a way to break Trump’s will? One Democrat has an idea.
By Greg Sargent
January 07, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Trump wants the networks to carry his speech live. They should look at these charts of his lies.
By Greg Sargent
January 07, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Who wants to broadcast Trump’s border ‘crisis’ speech?
By Erik Wemple
January 07, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Saying Trump is racist may be Ocasio-Cortez’s least surprising opinion
By Philip Bump
January 07, 2019
Washington Post (Op-Ed) Trump is threatening to go around Congress to get his wall. History shows he’ll fail.
By Henry Olsen
January 07, 2019
USA Today (Op-Ed) ‘Dreamers’ might be the key to ending the government shutdown: Today’s talker
By Mark Holden
January 07, 2019
USA Today (Op-Ed) 9 things you should know before Trump starts spewing lies in Tuesday address to the nation
By Sally Kohn
January 07, 2019
USA Today (Op-Ed) Stories from the border: The women asylum seekers I met need protection, not barriers
By Melissa Johns
January 07, 2019
CNN (Opinion) This is presidential malpractice
By Julian Zelizer
January 07, 2019
Politico Magazine (Opinion) Trump’s Best Shutdown Move Is to Fold Now
January 07, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Welcome, new Congress! Here’s 5 things you need to know about refugees
January 07, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Border policies are endangering lives
January 07, 2019
Univision Solo 6 inmigrantes detenidos en la frontera aparecieron en la base de datos de terroristas durante 2018
January 07, 2019
Noticiero Univision Gobierno mexicano se prepara ante la posible llegada de una nueva caravana de migrantes proveniente de Honduras (Video)
By Alejandro Madrigal
January 07, 2019
Univision ¿Puede Trump declarar una ’emergencia fronteriza’ para construir el muro con México?
January 07, 2019
Univision Cierre de gobierno le puede estar costando al país más de lo que costaría el muro de Trump
January 08, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Salvadoreño pide santuario en una iglesia de Colorado por culpa del cierre de gobierno
By Agencia EFE
January 07, 2019
Noticiero Univision Portavoz de la Casa Blanca dice que los terroristas entran por la frontera y un periodista de FOX News la deja en evidencia (Video)
January 07, 2019
Noticiero Univision Congresistas demócratas van en busca de respuestas por la muerte de niño migrante (Video)
By Pedro Rojas
January 07, 2019
Noticiero Univision Esto es lo que tiene planeado Trump para aumentar su presión y obtener los fondos del muro fronterizo (Video)
By Janet Rodríguez
January 07, 2019
Hispanic LA El cierre del gobierno augura una guerra sin cuartel
By Maribel Hastings
January 07, 2019
Inmigració El cierre del gobierno augura una guerra sin cuartel
By Maribel Hastings
January 07, 2019
La Opinión (CA) No al muro
January 07, 2019
Hoy Dallas El cierre del gobierno augura una guerra sin cuartel
By Maribel Hastings
January 07, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Congresistas de EEUU buscan detalles sobre la muerte del niño fallecido bajo custodia de la Patrulla Fronteriza
By Natalia Urrego con información de AP
January 07, 2019
Radio Bilingüe El cierre de gobierno augura una guerra sin cuartel
By Maribel Hastings
January 07, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump denuncia una oleada de miles de inmigrantes terroristas en la frontera. En realidad sólo llegaron seis
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 07, 2019
Univision Noticias Además de los $5,600 millones que Trump pide para el muro fronterizo hay exigencias legales
By Jorge Cancino
January 07, 2019
La Opinión Senadora pide a EE.UU. que garantice seguridad de menores en las fronteras
By Agencia EFE
January 07, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Trump visitará la frontera con México esta semana
By Agencia EFE
January 07, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Para un niño inmigrante, ¿cómo resulta vislumbrar el sueño americano para que luego se lo arrebaten?
By Ginger Thompson / ProPublica
January 07, 2019
Univision Noticias Trump dará un mensaje a la nación este martes y viajará a la frontera con México el jueves
January 07, 2019
Univision Noticias Evita una orden de deportación: no pierdas tu cita migratoria aunque el gobierno esté parcialmente cerrado
By Jorge Cancino
January 07, 2019
Univision El cierre del gobierno augura una guerra sin cuartel
By Maribel Hastings
January 07, 2019
HDN/Washington Latino News El cierre del gobierno augura una guerra sin cuartel
By Maribel Hastings
January 07, 2019
La Prensa Hispana El cierre del gobierno augura una guerra sin cuartel
By Maribel Hastings
January 07, 2019
LatinoCalifornia El cierre del gobierno augura una guerra sin cuartel
By Maribel Hastings
January 07, 2019
La Opinión Trump visitará la frontera sur con México esta semana
By Agencia EFE
January 07, 2019
Noticias Telemundo El muro no es suficiente: Trump plantea nuevas medidas contra los inmigrantes
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 07, 2019
Noti-América Memphis, Tennessee: Victoria para inmigrantes: Fiscal se revela ante ley HB 2315
January 07, 2019
Identidad Latina Muchos en desfavor de negociar un acuerdo de inmigración por un muro fronterizo
January 07, 2019
Noti-América Texas: ICE libera a inmigrantes en ciudades fronterizas por hacinamiento en sus cárceles
By Mundo Hispanico
January 07, 2019
CNN en Español Ridiculizan el sufrimiento de migrantes en un desfile de año nuevo (Video)
January 07, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Cada día ICE arresta a siete mexicanos (Video)
January 06, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Demócratas elevarán presión a Trump por cierre del gobierno
By Catherine Lucey y Lisa Mascaro/ Associated Press
January 07, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Los demócratas planean más presión sobre Trump en la tercera semana del cierre del gobierno
By Geysell Cisneros con información de AP
January 07, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump acude a YouTube para incentivar el miedo a los inmigrantes (Video)
January 06, 2019
Noticias Telemundo ¿Qué es una emergencia nacional y puede Trump declarar una para lograr su muro fronterizo?
By Jane C. Timm, NBC News
January 07, 2019
Univision Noticias El líder demócrata Schumer pide a Trump que deje de publicar memes sobre el muro
January 07, 2019