America’s Voice
Longest Shutdown in US Hitting Texan Families and Workers
GOP Denounces Steve King While Rallying Around Donald Trump
Reuters Judge Rejects Citizenship Question for 2020 U.S. Census
January 15, 2019
Wall Street Journal Census Can’t Ask About Citizenship, Judge Rules
By Corinne Ramey
January 15, 2019
New York Times Court Blocks Trump Administration From Asking About Citizenship in Census
By Michael Wines
January 15, 2019
Washington Post How Wilbur Ross ‘aggressively’ tried to alter the 2020 Census and ‘conceal’ why, according to a federal judge
By Fred Barbash
January 15, 2019
Washington Post Are You a Citizen? The Trump Census Question on Trial
By Chris Dolmetsch
January 15, 2019
Washington Post Courts thwart Trump’s bid to enact hard-line immigration agenda as Congress dithers
By David Nakamura
January 15, 2019
Politico Judge rules against Trump administration’s citizenship question on 2020 census
January 15, 2019
Reuters U.S.-Bound Honduran Migrant Caravan Grows as Trump Argues for Wall
January 15, 2019
Reuters Hundreds in New U.S.-Bound Migrant Caravan Cross Into Guatemala
January 16, 2019
Wall Street Journal New U.S.-Bound Migrant Groups Set Off From Honduras
By José de Córdoba
January 15, 2019
New York Times Migrant Caravan Departs Honduras, and Trump Again Calls for a Wall
By Jeff Ernst and Kirk Semple
January 15, 2019
Washington Post ‘I have to try’: New migrant caravan leaves Honduras and heads for the United States
By Sarah Kinosian
January 15, 2019
The Hill New caravan of migrants headed for US
January 15, 2019
Reuters Factbox-Impact on U.S. Government Widens on 25th Day of Shutdown
January 15, 2019
Wall Street Journal White House Looks to Chip Away at Democrats’ Resolve as Shutdown Rolls On
By Peter Nicholas and Kristina Peterson
January 15, 2019
New York Times Democrats Jilt Trump on Lunch Talks but Look for Shutdown Exit
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis
January 15, 2019
Washington Post Why is the GOP sticking with Trump on border wall? Look at the 2020 Senate map.
By Paul Kane
January 16, 2019
Politico Poll: Slight majority opposes Trump emergency declaration for wall funding
January 16, 2019
Politico ‘The gang concept almost never works’: Senators struggle to end shutdown
January 15, 2019
USA Today White House tries to bypass Pelosi on shutdown talks, but moderate Democrats rebuff offer
By Michael Collins, David Jackson and Nicole Gaudiano
January 15, 2019
CNN What isn’t getting done at the Department of Homeland Security during the shutdown
By Geneva Sands
January 15, 2019
CNN Trump has boxed himself in on the shutdown with nowhere to go
By Harry Enten
January 15, 2019
LA Times Democrats remain oddly aligned in border wall fight, confounding Trump and Republicans
January 15, 2019
Associated Press Contentious Statements by Rep. Steve King Over the Years
January 15, 2019
The Hill House passes resolution condemning white nationalism
January 15, 2019
Associated Press Detained Lawsuit Victor Wins Restraining Order Against ICE
January 15, 2019
The Hill Federal courts have funding to last another week despite shutdown
January 15, 2019
NBC News Government shutdown leads to nearly 43,000 canceled immigration hearings
By Daniella Silva
January 15, 2019
Business Insider The government shutdown is having a ‘devastating impact’ on an already backlogged immigration system
By Michelle Mark and Bob Bryan
January 15, 2019
Tampa Bay Times ‘Their lives are on hold’: Miami’s immigration court grinds to a halt because of shutdown
January 15, 2019
Texas Tribune Shutdown leaves immigration courts, border agents in limbo
January 15, 2019
Reuters Pentagon Extends Mission to Mexico Border Through September
January 15, 2019
Washington Post West Virginia: Proposal to give $10M for Trump’s border wall
January 15, 2019
Washington Post Beto O’Rourke’s immigration plan: No wall but no specifics
By Jenna Johnson
January 15, 2019
HuffPost Trump Is Actually Pretty Terrible At Immigration Enforcement
By Roque Planas
January 15, 2019
Buzzfeed An Iraqi Man Deported By ICE Must Be Returned To The US, A Judge Ordered
By Hamed Aleaziz
January 15, 2019
Washington Post The Trailer: The message of Julián Castro’s visit to Puerto Rico
By David Weigel
January 15, 2019
New York Times Trump Administration to Nearly Double Size of Detention Center for Migrant Teenagers
By Miriam Jordan
January 16, 2019
By John Washington
January 15, 2019
New York Times (New York) N.Y. Today: A Wall That Honors Immigrants
By Azi Paybarah
January 16, 2019
Idaho Press (Idaho) Idaho agencies receive thousands from immigration grant program
By Nichole Foy
January 15, 2019
WBAL TV (Maryland) Citizens voice concern over termination of 287(g) immigration program
By Kai Reed
January 15, 2019
Des Moines Register (Editorial) Steve King should resign for the good of Iowa
January 15, 2019
USA Today (Op-Ed) Mike Pence: Democrats refuse to compromise on border wall funding to end the shutdown
By Mike Pence
January 16, 2019
Wall Street Journal (Opinion) Trump’s Pinned to a Wall Few Americans Want
By William A. Galston
January 15, 2019
New York Times (Opinion) Republicans, Racism and Steve King
By Frank Bruni
January 15, 2019
New York Times (Opinion) Racists to the Right, Anti-Semites to the Left
By Ross Douthat
January 16, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Steve King says he was just defending ‘Western Civilization.’ That’s racist, too.
By David Perry and Matthew Gabriele
January 15, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Many Americans say they want politicians to compromise. But maybe they don’t.
By John Sides
January 15, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Trump just blew up his own absurd spin about the shutdown
By Greg Sargent
January 15, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Can immigration save the U.S. from its birthrate crisis?
By Megan McArdle
January 15, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Trump created a competition of crises: The border or the shutdown
January 15, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) The case for an immigration tariff
January 15, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Security is the real issue
January 15, 2019
Atlanta Constitution Journal (Opinion) The sly attempt to pit blacks, Hispanics against immigrants
By Clarence Page
January 15, 2019
Univision Lo que Trump no ve cuando exige un muro fronterizo: los túneles subterráneos entre EEUU y México
By Patricia Clarembaux
January 15, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Contra Steve King
January 14, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Más de 700 hondureños de caravana de migrantes cruzan a Guatemala
By Agencia EFE
January 16, 2019
Noticiero Univision Negociaciones entre demócratas y Trump parecen haber llegado a un punto muerto y el cierre del gobierno continúa (Video)
By Janet Rodríguez
January 15, 2019
Univision “Sufrirán una espera más larga”: lo que afronta la nueva ola de migrantes que buscan asilo en EEUU
By Jorge Cancino
January 15, 2019
Univision ‘Rusiagate’, inmigración y otras claves de las declaraciones del futuro fiscal general William Barr
By Mariana Rambaldi
January 15, 2019
HispanicLA Insensibilizarnos ante excesos de Trump debilita la democracia
By Maribel Hastings
January 15, 2019
La Prensa (FL) Insensibilizarnos ante los excesos de Trump debilita la democracia
By Maribel Hastings
January 15, 2019
El Diario-La Prensa (NY) Insensibilizarnos ante los excesos de Trump debilita la democracia
By Maribel Hastings
January 15, 2019
La Raza (IL) Insensibilizarnos ante los excesos de Trump debilita la democracia
By Maribel Hastings
January 15, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Insensibilizarnos ante los excesos de Trump debilita la democracia
By Maribel Hastings
January 15, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Congresistas demócratas rechazan invitación de Trump para hablar sobre el muro
By Olga Luna con información de Associated Press
January 15, 2019
Univision-Primer Impacto Pese a los peligros, esta madre explica por qué se unió a la nueva caravana de migrantes con su pequeña hija (Video)
January 15, 2019
Univision-Primer Impacto Madre suplica que no deporten a su hijo de 36 años que perdió un brazo y una pierna por un accidente en ‘La Bestia’ (Video)
By Ricardo Arambarri
January 15, 2019
La Opinión Trataron de salvar la vida de cientos de inmigrantes y ahora el gobierno los quiere llevar a la cárcel
January 15, 2019
La Opinión Nueva caravana migrante sale de Honduras rumbo a EEUU bajo la mirada de Trump
By BBC Mundo
January 15, 2019
LatinoCalifornia Este cierre de gobierno no tiene que ver con seguridad nacional, ni con política migratoria, sino con racismo
By Frank Sharry
January 15, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Honduras retiene a decenas de menores que pretendían salir del país en nueva caravana
By Olga Luna con información de EFE
January 15, 2019
Univision-Edición Digital Nuevo grupo de migrantes parte hacia EEUU desde Honduras y desata la ira de Trump (Video)
January 15, 2019
Univision Noticias Juez federal prohíbe pregunta sobre el estatus migratorio para el Censo de 2020 (Video)
January 15, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Juez prohíbe añadir pregunta sobre nacionalidad a censo
By Larry Neumeister- Associated Press
January 15, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Gobierno Trump mantendrá al ejército en la frontera con México hasta fin de septiembre
By La Opinión
January 15, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Un juez federal bloquea la pregunta sobre la ciudadanía en el censo de 2020
By Bruno G. Gallo con información de The Associated Press
January 15, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Esta hispana denuncia que tras 11 años en un restaurante el jefe le dijo que tenía que aprender inglés
By Alba Moraleda/Noticias Telemundo
January 15, 2019
Univision Noticias El Pentágono prolonga hasta el 30 de septiembre el despliegue de soldados en la frontera con México
By Silvia Sánchez
January 15, 2019
Univision- Despierta América En medio de la oscuridad y la lluvia, parte de Honduras una nueva caravana migrante (Video)
January 15, 2019
La Opinión “Soñadores” presionan para lograr permisos para viajar al exterior
By Agencia EFE
January 15, 2019
La Opinión Juez ordena al gobierno Trump retirar la polémica pregunta sobre ciudadanía en el censo
January 15, 2019
La Opinión El “muro electrónico” contra inmigrantes que Trump deja caer mientras batalla por su muro
January 15, 2019
El Tiempo Latino Republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes quieren destituir a Steve King por comentarios racistas
By The Washington Post
January 15, 2019
CNN en Español El Pentágono aprueba apoyo militar adicional en la frontera con México
By Ryan Browne
January 15, 2019
CNN en Español Cancelan más de 40.000 audiencias de inmigración por el cierre parcial del Gobierno de EE.UU. (Video)
January 15, 2019
By CNN en Español
January 15, 2019
Radio Bilingüe Mueren 22 migrantes bajo custodia de ICE en lo que va de Trump
January 15, 2019
Telemundo 48 Aeropuertos colapsados por el cierre parcial de gobierno
January 15, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Una nueva caravana de migrantes parte desde Honduras a EEUU
By Delmer Martinéz- Associated Press
January 15, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Canceladas 42,000 audiencias en cortes de inmigración por el cierre del gobierno. Puede haber muchas más
By Alba Moraleda con información de EFE
January 15, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Nueva caravana migrante parte antes de lo previsto desde Honduras hacia EE.UU.
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP
January 15, 2019
La Opinión Gobierno Trump mantendrá al ejército en la frontera con México hasta fin de septiembre
January 15, 2019
La Opinión ¿Trump mandó un mensaje de esperanza para miles de inmigrantes con visas de trabajo?
January 15, 2019