America’s Voice
A Toddler’s Death Following Family Detention
ICYMI: Frank Wilkinson: “The Political Uses of Murder”
Help us Stop These Deportations!
Michelle Cottle for NYT: “Well, at Least Sheriff Joe Isn’t Going to Congress”
Government Executive ‘Abolish ICE’ and the Future of the Immigration Agency
By Charles S. Clark
August 28, 2018
Southern Poverty Law Center Hatewatch Headlines
August 28, 2018
NBC News More than 150 arrested in massive ICE raid in Texas
By Dennis Romero and Anthony Cusumano
August 28, 2018
Dallas Morning News Immigration raid targeting employer near Paris nets 160 suspected undocumented workers
By Kevin Krause and Dianne Solis
August 28, 2018
CBS 11/21 ICE Raids North Texas Business, Detains 150+ Undocumented Immigrants
August 28, 2018
ABC 160 undocumented workers detained in Texas immigration bust
August 28, 2018
Washington Post Mother blames toddler’s death on poor medical care in U.S. immigration jail
By Maria Sacchetti
August 28, 2018
Bloomberg Immigrant Mother Whose Child Died in ICE Custody Plans Suit
By Patricia Hurtado
August 28, 2018
Politico ‘The race has tightened’: Cruz allies sound alarm about Texas Senate race
August 28, 2018
Washington Post Mollie Tibbetts’ father praises Iowa Latinos, as GOP uses her death to call for harsher immigration laws
August 28, 2018
Associated Press Trial Date Set for Statue of Liberty Climber
August 28, 2018
Texas Tribune ACLU claims ICE still detaining some asylum-seekers for no reason despite court order
August 28, 2018
WGBH Boston Attorneys Demand Reunification Of Honduran Children With Parents
By Barbara Howard
August 28, 2018
Politico Inside Stephen Miller’s hostile takeover of immigration policy
August 29, 2018
CNN Sessions ‘irreplaceable’ on immigration to base
By Tal Kopan
August 28, 2018
Washington Post Stricter vetting for migrant youth means taxpayers spend more — and parents wait
By Steve Thompson
August 29, 2018
The Hill Hillary Clinton goes on tweetstorm over family separations
August 28, 2018
HuffPost Child Development Experts Explain That Disturbing Family Reunification Video
By Anna Almendrala
August 29, 2018
August 28, 2018
Politico Mexico denies it will pay for border wall after Trump repeats claim
August 28, 2018
Buzzfeed Why Did The Border Patrol Shoot Claudia Gómez?
By Adolfo Flores
August 28, 2018
San Diego Tribune MLK III makes ‘call to conscience’ at border on 55th anniversary of ‘I Have a Dream’ speech
By Kate Morrissey
August 28, 2018
HuffPost Legal U.S. Immigrants Face Prison And Even Deportation For Voting
By Sam Levine and Ryan J. Reilly
August 28, 2018
Texas Tribune Across the country, basements, offices and hotels play short-term host to people in ICE custody
August 28, 2018
Arizona Daily Star In about-face,US lets Mexican woman visit dying husband in Tucson
By Perla Trevizo
August 25, 2018
Associated Press Primary Takeaways: Establishment Loses, Diversity Grows
August 29, 2018
New York Times Arizona and Florida Have Primaries Today. Here’s What to Watch.
By Jonathan Martin
August 28, 2018
Wall Street Journal Two Upstarts Triumph in Florida, Setting Up Stark Contrast in Governor’s Race
By Janet Hook and Reid J. Epstein
August 29, 2018
Politico GOP exhales after McSally romp in Arizona
August 29, 2018
The Hill California gov candidate backs universal healthcare for undocumented immigrants
August 28, 2018
Real Clear Politics Sizing Up the Florida Senate Race
By Sean Trende
August 28, 2018
Associated Press Venezuelans Find US Asylum Surprisingly Elusive
August 29, 2018
USA Today Farmworker union’s president is stepping down; its new president is an immigrant woman
By Rebecca Plevin
August 28, 2018
Snopes Immigrant Who Was Arrested Accompanying His Wife to Give Birth Appears in Court
By Bethania Palma
August 28, 2018
Rewire (Washington) Immigrants in Washington Detention Center Join National Prison Strike
By Tina Vasquez
August 28, 2018 (Alabama) Becoming a U.S. citizen taking longer than before, immigrant advocates say
By Jonece Starr Dunigan
August 28, 2018
Albuquerque Journal (New Mexico) Stricter rules sought for ICE agents in New Mexico
By Ryan Boetel
August 28, 2018
Des Moines Register (Editorial) Congress should require use of E-Verify, come to agreement on larger immigration reform
August 28, 2018
The Hill (Op-Ed) There’s a boost in black turnout, especially among black women voters
August 28, 2018
New York Times (Opinion) Mollie Tibbetts, Racism and the Rule of Law
By David Leonhardt
August 28, 2018
New York Times (Op-Ed) Well, at Least Sheriff Joe Isn’t Going to Congress
By Michelle Cottle
August 28, 2018
Washington Post (Op-Ed) Iranians have always lived in limbo in the United States. Now it’s chaos.
By Persis Karim
August 29, 2018
USA Today (Op-Ed) Detention at border has caused psychological damage. Families need help. The government should pay for it.
By Efrén Olivares
August 29, 2018
USA Today (Op-Ed) For DREAMers like me, John McCain was a protector and guide. Honor him by helping us.
By Lorenzo Santillan
August 29, 2018
Bloomberg (Opinion) The Political Uses of Murder
By Francis Wilkinson
August 28, 2018
LA Times (Opinion) How the Trump administration is turning judges into ‘prosecutors in a judge’s robe’
August 29, 2018
St. Louis Dispatch (Op-Ed) ICE wants to hit the delete key
By Martin W.G. King
August 28, 2018
Richmond Times Dispatch (Opinion) Brutal murder tells us nothing about immigrants
By Marsha Mercer
August 28, 2018
Noticiero Univision Donald Trump no será invitado a los actos fúnebres del senador John McCain (Video)
By Claudia Uceda
August 28, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Muchas gracias, senador McCain
By Maribel Hastings
August 28, 2018
La Prensa (FL) Muchas gracias, senador McCain
By Maribel Hastings
August 28, 2018
El Diario-La Prensa (NY) Muchas gracias, senador McCain
By Maribel Hastings
August 28, 2018
La Raza (IL) Muchas gracias, senador McCain
By Maribel Hastings
August 28, 2018
Política para Ti La ‘mejor’ gente de Trump y los inmigrantes
By David Torres
August 28, 2018
Noticiero Univision ICE arresta a más de 150 personas “en una de las operaciones más grandes de la última década” (Video)
By Andrea Linares
August 28, 2018
Univision 23-Dallas FT. Worth ICE arresta más de 150 personas en una redada en una fábrica de tráilers en el norte de Texas
August 28, 2018
Noticias Telemundo ICE arresta a más de 100 inmigrantes indocumentados en una fábrica al norte de Texas
By Anneke Ball
August 28, 2018
La Opinión VIDEO: Así fue la redada de ICE en una fábrica de trailers en Texas
August 28, 2018
La Opinión ICE arresta a más de 100 inmigrantes en redada a fábrica de trailers de Texas
August 28, 2018
Univision El ‘candidato de Trump’ logra la candidatura para la gobernación de Florida, según proyecciones
August 28, 2018
Noticiero Univision El ‘candidato de Trump’ y un afroestadounidense se disputarán la gobernación de Florida (Video)
By Patricia Janiot
August 28, 2018
Univision Los republicanos eligen a otra mujer de origen cubano para sustituir a la primera hispana en el Congreso
August 28, 2018
Noticiero Univision Por primera vez dos mujeres se enfrentarán para representar Arizona en el Senado (Video)
By Paula Díaz
August 28, 2018
La Voz de Arizona Martha McSally, Kyrsten Sinema ganan sus respectivas contienda por el senado
By Yvonne Wingett Sánchez
August 28, 2018
Univision Noticias Inmigrantes LGTBQ piden al gobierno que respeten sus derechos en los centros de detención de ICE
By Jorge Cancino
August 28, 2018
Univision-Edición Digital Juez de Sacramento, California, cuestiona el arresto de indocumentados en las cortes (Video)
August 28, 2018
El Mundo Autoridades mantienen detención de familias inmigrantes en frontera de Texas
August 28, 2018
La Opinión No le des motivos al ICE para detenerte, recuerda las reglas de oro a que debe apegarse todo inmigrante
By Araceli Martínez Ortega
August 28, 2018
La Opinión ICE detiene a padre de seis hijos como si fuera peligroso delincuente
By Araceli Martínez Ortega
August 28, 2018
La Opinión Patrulla Fronteriza intercepta embarcación con 19 inmigrantes de México y la India, en California
By Agencia EFE
August 28, 2018
CNN en Español Rob Tibbetts: La inmigración no mató a mi hija (Video)
By Francho Barón
August 28, 2018
Mundo Hispánico Padre de alumna asesinada en Iowa defiende a los hispanos
August 28, 2018
La Opinión Padres de Mollie Tibbetts rechazan usar muerte de su hija contra inmigrantes hispanos
August 28, 2018
Telemundo 48 Denuncian muerte de niña que estuvo en centro de ICE
August 28, 2018
La Opinión México rescata a 5 hondureñas atrapadas en el río cruzando frontera a EEUU
By Agencia EFE
August 28, 2018
Noticiero Univision Realizan protesta en la que acusan a JP Morgan de financiar prisiones privadas para inmigrantes (Video)
By Blanca Rosa Vílchez
August 28, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Tercera presidenta del Sindicato de Campesinos será una mujer inmigrante
By Pilar Marrero
August 27, 2018
Noticiero Univision Así es la inmigrante mexicana que asumirá la presidencia del sindicato de trabajadores agrícolas (Video)
By Juan Carlos González
August 28, 2018
Noticiero Univision Trump reitera que México pagará por el muro un día después de llegar a un acuerdo comercial con Peña Nieto (Video)
By Jésica Zermeño
August 28, 2018
Noticiero Univision ¿Cómo explicar a un niño cuáles son los derechos de los inmigrantes? (Video)
By Vilma Tarazona
August 28, 2018
La Opinión (CA) El “Sueño Americano” se disipa para creciente número de californianos, dice encuesta
By María Peña
August 28, 2018
La Opinión (CA) México desmiente que pagará por el muro en la frontera como asegura Trump
August 28, 2018
CNN en Español Una madre presenta una demanda a la autoridad inmigratoria por la muerte de su hija (Video)
By Jaqueline Hurtado
August 28, 2018
La Opinión USCIS lanza alerta sobre su servicio “premium”
By Jesús García
August 28, 2018
Univision 34-Los Angeles La custodia de los hijos después de la muerte de padre o madre inmigrante: ¿qué se debe hacer? (Video)
August 28, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Los tres tipos de inmigrantes a los que USCIS debería poner atención
By La Opinión
August 28, 2018
Univision-Edición Digital Una mexicana inmigrante asumirá la presidencia del sindicato de campesinos en EEUU (Video)
August 28, 2018
Telemundo- Wisconsin Alguacil del Condado de Racine responde a criticas de activistas de inmigrantes
By Jocelyne Pruna
August 28, 2018
CNN en Español Acusan a ICE de negligencia médica tras la muerte de una niña que pasó por sus instalaciones en Texas
By Jamiel Lynch, Dave Alsup y Madison Park
August 28, 2018
Mundo Hispánico Pago del muro queda fuera del acuerdo comercial México-EE.UU.
August 28, 2018
El Diario Los tres tipos de inmigrantes a los que USCIS debería poner atención
August 28, 2018
CNN en Español #MinutoCNN: Muere una niña tras haber sido liberada por inmigración, ¿negligencia médica? (Video)
By Ángela R. Bonachera y Daniela Patiño,
August 28, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Las consecuencias de pequeños errores al aplicar por “green card” ante USCIS
By La Opinión
August 28, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Muere un bebé tras pasar casi un mes detenido por la Migra
By Bruno G. Gallo
August 28, 2018