America’s Voice
Experts Discuss Trump’s War on Immigrants At the Border Amidst a Pandemic
Three Key Points About Trump’s Immigration Proclamation
And now, we have to protect ourselves from Trump in the time of the coronavirus
The Hill The Memo: Trump shores up base amid crisis
April 22, 2020
Washington Times Trump’s immigration pause exempts wealthy Chinese investors
By Stephen Dinan
April 23, 2020
YubaNet Trump Makes End Run Around Congress to Fundamentally Restructure Decades-Old Immigration Law
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Associated Press Supreme Court Sides With Government in Immigration Case
April 23, 2020
Reuters Supreme Court Eases Path to Deport Immigrants for Crimes
April 23, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Supreme Court Expands Conditions for Deporting Lawful Immigrants With Criminal Records
By Jess Bravin
April 23, 2020
CBS Thousands of “Dreamers” are health care workers on the front lines – but fear they could soon face deportation
April 23, 2020
Mother Jones Dreamer. Essential Worker. And Anxious About the Supreme Court’s Impending Decision.
By Fernanda Echavarri
April 23, 2020
ABC 13 Houston paramedic describes uncertainty for DACA recipients working on front lines
By Roxanne Bustamante
April 23, 2020
Associated Press Coronavirus Shakes the Conceit of ‘American Exceptionalism’
April 24, 2020
Reuters Mexico, U.S. ‘Need Each Other’ on Migration, Lopez Obrador Says
April 23, 2020
Reuters U.S. to Test Some Immigrants for Coronavirus Before Deportation
April 24, 2020
The New York Times Home Alone at the White House: A Sour President, With TV His Constant Companion
By Katie Rogers and Annie Karni
April 23, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Who Will Be Affected by Trump’s Temporary Immigration Suspension?
By Michelle Hackman
April 23, 2020
The Hill Hispanic Caucus pushes McConnell on ‘Dreamer’ bill
April 23, 2020
The Hill Hard-line immigration groups blast Trump order for not going further
April 23, 2020
CNN Acting Homeland Security chief suggests additional immigration measures could be coming
By Geneva Sands, Kevin Liptak and Maegan Vazquez
April 23, 2020
CNN New HHS spokesman made racist comments about Chinese people in now-deleted tweets
By Andrew Kaczynski, Nathan McDermott and Em Steck
April 23, 2020
USA Today Fact check: House bill expands stimulus checks to some, not all, undocumented immigrants
By Molly Stellino
April 23, 2020
NBC How Trump got his immigration ban in under 48 hours
By Shannon Pettypiece, Kristen Welker and Geoff Bennett
April 24, 2020
BuzzFeed ICE Is Trying To Deport A Girl Who Fled Threats After She Reported Her Dad For Sexually Assaulting Her
By Adolfo Flores
April 23, 2020
Slate The Trumpian Truth Trap
April 23, 2020
BBC Coronavirus pandemic exposes rather than heals America’s divisions
By Anthony Zurcher
April 23, 2020
The New York Times Trump Is Harsh on Immigration. That Doesn’t Mean Biden Has the Latino Vote.
By Jennifer Medina
April 24, 2020
Politico Trump’s poor poll numbers trigger GOP alarms over November
April 23, 2020
Associated Press 129 Deportees Arrive in Haiti Amid Coronavirus Concerns
April 23, 2020
Associated Press UN Alarmed by Migrants Caught in No-Man’s Land at Borders
April 23, 2020
Associated Press Immigrants, hard hit by economic fallout, adapt to new jobs
By Claudia Torrens and Gisela Salomon
April 24, 2020
The Washington Post In ‘How to Pronounce Knife,’ stories of Lao immigrants reveal everyday moments of racism, classism, power and privilege
By Jenny Bhatt
April 23, 2020
New Yorker Immigrant Doctors Want to Help Fight COVID-19 but Are Stymied by State Licensing Laws
By Camila Osorio
April 23, 2020
Salon Immigration ban won’t impact temporary workers after Fox News host complains about her au pair on TV
April 24, 2020
The New York Times (California) In Reversal, California Farm Town Approves ICE Detention Centers
By Miriam Jordan
April 23, 2020
The New York Times 2 Brothers Died of Covid-19. They’re Being Denied Their Last Wish.
By Annie Correal
April 23, 2020
Mother Jones (Louisiana) ICE Detainees Terrified of the Coronavirus Wanted to Be Deported. Guards Pepper-Sprayed Them.
By Noah Lanard
April 23, 2020
Houston Chronicle (Texas) ‘Everyone’s panicked’: Trump’s immigration order could have long-term effects for Texas
By Benjamin Wermund
April 23, 2020
Univision (South Dakota) What went wrong at the South Dakota meat packing plant where hundreds of immigrant workers were infected?
April 23, 2020
The Washington Post (Opinion) Welcome to Donald Trump’s reelection strategy
By Fareed Zakaria
April 23, 2020
The Washington Post (Opinion) It appears the Trump administration is doing all it can to drive away health professionals
By Catherine Rampell
April 23, 2020
The Washington Post (Opinion) Trump finds limits of distraction, demonization and denial
By Jennifer Rubin
April 23, 2020
The Nation (Opinion) Once Again, Trump Shreds US Immigration Law
By Sasha Abramsky
April 24, 2020
Chicago Tribune (Opinion) Trump’s immigration ban won’t help fight COVID-19
By Steve Chapman
April 23, 2020
The New York Times (Op-ed) Voter Fraud Is Part of the G.O.P. Playbook
By Dan McCready
April 23, 2020
The Washington Post (Op-ed) The GOP has reached its sad, inevitable destination
By Michael Gerson
April 23, 2020
Politico (Op-ed) Biden Is to 2020 as Trump Was to 2016
April 23, 2020
The Hill (Op-ed) Inequities in COVID-19 are tragic but preventable
April 23, 2020
CNN (Op-ed) Trouble in farm country because of Covid-19
By Kent Sepkowitz
April 23, 2020
USA Today (Op-ed) Coronavirus pandemic shines a light on the risks meatpackers are facing
By Kristy Nabhan-Warren
April 23, 2020
San Francisco Chronicle (Op-ed) How immigration enriched my life in America
By Sandip Roy
April 24, 2020
Morning Consult (Op-ed) While Trump Wages War on Immigrants, Immigrants Wage War on Coronavirus
April 23, 2020
CNN en Español Los principales afectados por el decreto de Trump sobre inmigración (Video)
By Fernando del Rincón
April 23, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Inmigrantes en vía de deportación serán sometidos a la prueba de coronavirus
April 23, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Demandan a California para bloquear la ayuda por coronavirus a inmigrantes indocumentados
April 23, 2020
CNN en Español Nuevo decreto de Trump sobre inmigración: esto es lo que contempla la medida
By Priscilla Alvarez
April 23, 2020
HDN/Washington Latino News Y ahora también hay que cuidarnos de Trump en tiempos del coronavirus
By David Torres
April 23, 2020
LatinoCalifornia Y ahora también hay que cuidarnos de Trump en tiempos del coronavirus
By David Torres
April 23, 2020
Univision El sorprendente caso de Smithfield Foods: la planta de alimentos donde cientos de trabajadores se contagiaron
By David C. Adams y Andrea Zárate
April 23, 2020
Univision Noticias El gobierno estudia alternativas para reiniciar procesos migratorios detenidos por la pandemia
By Jorge Cancino
April 23, 2020
La Opinión La polémica ley de Arizona que facilita deportaciones por una simple infracción de tráfico
By Agencia EFE
April 23, 2020
Noticias Telemundo La Corte Suprema facilita la deportación de residentes legales condenados por ciertos delitos
By Maria Peña
April 23, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Qué hacer ante la suspensión de los procesos migratorios: la abogada Alma Rosa Nieto responde (Video)
April 23, 2020
Univision 34-Los Angeles La administración de Trump prohíbe las ayudas federales a beneficiarios de DACA (Video)
April 23, 2020
Univision Noticias Solamente al 1.3% de los inmigrantes en las cárceles de ICE les han hecho la prueba de covid-19
By Jorge Cancino
April 23, 2020
La Opinión 5 claves sobre prohibición migratoria Trump por coronavirus
By Jesús García
April 23, 2020
La Opinión Corte Suprema facilita deportación de inmigrantes que cometieron delitos
By Jesús García
April 23, 2020
Univision- Despierta América ¿Cómo afecta a la comunidad latina la suspensión de la inmigración a EEUU en la pandemia? (Video)
April 23, 2020
Noticias Telemundo “Fue una película de terror”. Estas inmigrantes pidieron jabón en una cárcel de ICE. Las rociaron con gas pimienta
April 23, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Un recorrido por McAllen, Texas: así ha cambiado la vida en la frontera por el coronavirus
April 23, 2020
La Opinión ¿Afecta orden de Trump a inmigrantes que ya tienen ‘green card’?
By Jesús García
April 23, 2020
Telemundo 62 Los dreamers quedan afuera de las ayudas para aliviar el impacto del coronavirus
April 23, 2020
Univision Noticias Cámara Baja vota ayuda a pequeñas empresas; otras 4.4 millones de personas piden beneficio de desempleo en EEUU
April 23, 2020
Yahoo Noticias “Si me toca el coronavirus, no la cuento”, la amenaza para los migrantes presos en EEUU
By Ariela Navarro- AFP
April 23, 2020
Atlantic Broadband Lazos con Obama complican relación de Biden con hispanos
By Will Weissert – Associated Press
April 23, 2020
CNN en Español Nuevo decreto de Trump sobre inmigración: esto es lo que contempla la medida
By Priscilla Alvarez
April 23, 2020
El Nuevo Herald Magistrado: ICE debe reducir ‘sustancialmente’ la cantidad de detenidos y darles mascarillas
By Monique O. Madame
April 23, 2020
Noticias Telemundo La Patrulla Fronteriza deja libre al inmigrante deportado erróneamente durante la emergencia del coronavirus
By Damià Bonmatí
April 22, 2020
Noticias Telemundo “Es una bofetada”. Muchos estadounidenses no recibirán el cheque de ayuda por estar casados con inmigrantes indocumentados
By Damià Bonmatí
April 23, 2020
Univision Noticias El sorprendente caso de Smithfield Foods: la planta de alimentos donde cientos de trabajadores se contagiaron
By David C. Adams y Andrea Zarate
April 23, 2020
Univision 23- Miami Algunos analistas creen que Trump suspendió temporalmente la inmigración como estrategia de campaña (Video)
April 23, 2020