Rep. Darrell Issa’s upcoming immigration bill, which has yet to be publicly released, already has one conservative detractor, albeit not a very credible one.
Yesterday, ICE union president Chris Crane gave an exclusive interview to Breitbart in which he urged Issa to forgo introducing his bill–and in the process, compared immigrants to murderers and rapists.
As Crane said:
We strongly support all of the investigations that Congressman Issa and all of the others up on the hill are engaged in. However, tell me how many people have died as a result of the IRS scandal? Tell me how many kids have been raped as a result of the IRS scandal?
These things are happening every day because immigration is not being enforced. Human lives are being impacted in the most serious ways and Congress is turning a blind eye to this because dirty money, dirty votes and dirty politics. That’s where we stand on this.
Charging that immigrants–who are largely hardworking taxpayers or DREAMers trying to pursue a future, who in fact commit fewer crimes than the native-born–are nothing but criminals? Have Chris Crane and Steve King been hanging out?
Those in the immigration reform world might remember Crane from the effort to push immigration reform through the Senate earlier this year, when anti-immigrant Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) brought Crane up nearly every single time he wanted to make a point about border security. Crane is also the guy who teamed up with Kris Kobach to file an ill-fated lawsuit against President Obama’s deferred action for DREAMers (DACA) program, which committed the grave crime of allowing some 400,000 young immigrants an opportunity to pursue their dreams.