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Fair Immigration Reform Movement Releases Principles

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In the midst of much public discussion about the upcoming GOP principles on immigration reform, and how they will answer the question of legalization and citizenship, the Fair Immigration Reform Movement released its own set of principles yesterday.

Advocates especially called attention to a path to citizenship, calling it “essential” and arguing that it would yield economic benefits.

As Gustavo Torres, executive director of CASA de Maryland and a member of FIRM, was quoted in Voxxi yesterday, “This is what we believe must be part of sensible, comprehensive immigration reform.”

Here’s the list or principles:

  1. Provide a path to citizenship for all members of our communities
  2. Reunite all families and reduce immigration backlogs
  3. Provide opportunities for safe future migration and maintaining worker protections
  4. Establish border policy that respects border and immigrant communities
  5. Respect the safety and security of all in immigration enforcement
  6. Restore fundamental due process and civil rights of immigrants
  7. Recognize immigrants’ full humanity

Speakers yesterday included Gustavo Torres, Kica Matos of FIRM, and Josh Hoyt of the National Partnership for New Americans.