Yesterday, an appeals court ruled that DACA-mented Dreamers will no longer be able to receive Arizona in-state tuition.
The appeals court overturned a 2015 decision finding that Dreamers with DACA status are legally present, and said that federal laws allow each state to decide which benefits DACA-mented Dreamers can access. Under a 2006 proposition, the state of Arizona opposes in-state tuition for undocumented youth at public institutions of higher education.
There are some 28,000 Dreamers with DACA status living in Arizona, and this decision means that tuition could double for them starting this fall. As Karina Ruiz, board president of the Arizona Dream Act Coalition, told the Arizona Republic, it took twelve years for her to finish college because she could only take one class at a time. She continued:
This is all hate. There is nothing else. There is no reason for the state to be fighting students that want to get educated. This is wrong. The state should be using the resources and the money and the tax dollars on fighting for things like teachers’ pay instead of fighting kids who just want to go to school.
The decision comes just a week after Dreamers around the country celebrated DACA’s fifth birthday, and highlighted all the accomplishments, from degrees completed to jobs acquired to houses bought, that deferred action has helped them earn. Though advocates say they will pursue an appeal, perhaps through the Arizona Supreme Court, yesterday’s ruling takes Arizona in the opposite direction of where other states are heading. Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Nebraska all allow Dreamers to pay in-state tuition rates.
Yesterday, advocates with One Arizona, the Arizona Dream Act Coalition, and Undocumented Students for Education Equity held a press conference denouncing the in-state tuition decision. View their livestream and tweets below:
“Today is a surprise but not a shock, we as #DACAmented students are continually attacked for wanting a higher education” #Instate4Daca
— ONE Arizona (@OneArizona) June 20, 2017
“We have been brave before and we will be brave again and again.” – On court overruling In-State Tuition #InState4DACA
— ONE Arizona (@OneArizona) June 20, 2017
Education is a human right! #InstateTuition #InState4DACA
— CopsOuttaCampus (@CopsOuttaCampus) June 21, 2017
We stand with Dreamers! This decision was wrong. Plain and simple. #InState4DACA
— AZ Students’ Assoc. (@azstudents) June 20, 2017
There are many questions to be answered, the answer is “we do not know.” We are looking at all of our options. #Instate4DACA
— Aliento (@AlientoAZ) June 20, 2017
“Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been fighting for my education.” – @belensisaw #Instate4DACA
— Aliento (@AlientoAZ) June 20, 2017
BREAKING: Appeals court overturns in-state tuition for DACA students. #Instate4DACA #TuitionEquity
— Aliento (@AlientoAZ) June 20, 2017
Although this decision is heartbreaking, we have to remember to stay together, join the movement. Fight for your education. #Instate4DACA
— Aliento (@AlientoAZ) June 20, 2017
Decision by Court of Appeals is devastating to AZ families & economy. It targets kids know as DREAMers. #TuitionEquity #InState4DACA
— Tony Navarrete (@NavarreteAZ) June 20, 2017
If @DougDucey & @GeneralBrnovich continue their attacks on #AZ students, voters will remember. Their actions are shameful. #InState4DACA
— Tony Navarrete (@NavarreteAZ) June 21, 2017
Getting my education has never been easy! When is it enough?! We will continue to fight this discrimination #Instate4Daca
— ONE Arizona (@OneArizona) June 20, 2017
Our battle started in 06′ with prop 300, today we will continue to fight and protect each other. #Instate4DACA #DACA #Az
— Aliento (@AlientoAZ) June 20, 2017
The decision broke my heart. Although I’m a graduate from ASU I have friends who are effected by this decision. – Abel #Instate4DACA
— Aliento (@AlientoAZ) June 20, 2017
Join the fight to keep #instate4daca #tuitionequality #DACA #DREAMers
— ADAC (@TheADAC) June 20, 2017