The following is a statement from Lynn Tramonte, Deputy Director at America’s Voice Education Fund, responding to today’s release of additional Deferred Action guidelines by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS):
There’s a lot of excitement around this announcement from DHS because the pieces are falling into place. In less than two weeks, thousands of young immigrants will begin requesting ‘deferred action’ and the right to work legally in the only country they know as home.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Department of Homeland Security have a crucial task before them, and an ambitious deadline. Today they revealed a number of important details about the program that will allow DREAMers to start working with competent attorneys and getting their paperwork in order. We are pleased that the government is moving forward with both speed and integrity.
These young people have done everything we’ve asked of them – excelled in school, volunteered in the community, even pledged to serve in the U.S. armed forces as soon as they are allowed. They petitioned their government for the basic right to work legally in their chosen careers, and when the President announced that he would support them in June, they made history.
When this new program is finally in place, many more American DREAMers will be able to live without fear, and the rest of the country will get to know them. They are our classmates, our neighbors, our children’s friends. They are Americans. And one day, they’ll have the papers to prove it.