Public outrage against the Trump Administration’s policy of separating children from their families exploded this week, with Americans of all different stripes and from all over the country publicly standing against the policy. Countless editorials and op-eds have weighed in, police chiefs and pediatricians have condemned the practice, and dozens of celebrities have spoken out.
But everyday Americans are also mobilizing in ways unseen since the beginning of the Trump Administration. Mothers have taken their babies to protest at ICE offices. A young boy in Iowa started a lemonade stand so that he could send money to families in need. More than a hundred supporters showed up at LaGuardia airport last night to welcome immigrant children. Employees are making it clear that they won’t be any part of the process that takes kids away from their parents. Children sat down on the floor of the Capitol Rotunda in protest. And the Washington Post has begun a crowdsourcing effort to locate missing children.
Below, view just some of the examples of how Americans across the country have begun mobilizing against the awful separation of children from their families: