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Listen to the “A is for America” Podcast with Laura Martin of PLAN Nevada

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The latest episode of our podcast, “A is for America”, features an interview with Laura Martin, Associate Director for the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN). Listen below or tune in via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast app.

This week, the Trump Administration announced the deployment of National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border. There are no further details about how many troops will be deployed, when, or what they’ll be doing, because — we cannot stress this enough — this is a political stunt designed to fire up Trump’s base. This decision has nothing to do with policy or the actual needs on the ground, since border crossings are at a nearly 50-year low and each Border Patrol officer currently arrests an average of two migrants per month. As our Political Director, Matt Hildreth said, “What’s next? Is Donald Trump planning to order the National Guard to put up his yard signs?”

2018 is an election year, and one of this fall’s key states will be Nevada, where Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) is facing tough winds in his reelection campaign and right-wing Attorney General Adam Laxalt is running for Governor. Our Nevada State Director, Viri Vidal, spoke with Laura Martin of PLAN about Nevada’s role in the 2012, 2016, and 2018 elections, and discuss what new American politics mean in the Silver State. (Laura’s interview begins at 8:30.)

“A is for America” is a podcast which tells stories from the front lines of a changing America. Each week, we’ll be talking to immigrants, advocates, and experts working in immigration reform, immigrants’ rights, immigration politics, and the forefront of what it means to be a new American. Tune in next week for more.
