America’s Voice
Resources for Immigrants During the Coronavirus Pandemic
March 31, 2020
Associated Press US Appeals Court: Attack on Gay Man Enough for Asylum Claim
March 31, 2020
Reuters U.S. Will Add 500 Troops at Mexico Border During Coronavirus Pandemic: Officials
By Ted Hesson, Idrees Ali and Jonathan Landay
March 31, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Border Agents Change Practice on Immigrant Child Separation Over Coronavirus
By Michelle Hackman and Alicia A. Caldwell
March 31, 2020
The Washington Post How Trump’s rhetoric on testing in the U.S. compared with what was — or wasn’t — being done
By Philip Bump
March 31, 2020
The Hill Judge orders 11 at-risk ICE detainees released over coronavirus fears
March 31, 2020
The Hill Immigration groups sue Trump administration for keeping courts open amid coronavirus
March 31, 2020
The Hill ICE under pressure to release detainees threatened by coronavirus
By Rafael Bernal
April 1, 2020
NBC Congressional Hispanic Caucus calls on ICE to release detainees amid COVID-19 crisis
By Ali Gostanian
March 31, 2020
Vox TThe missing piece in the coronavirus stimulus bill: Relief for immigrants
By Nicole Narea
April 01, 2020
Quartz Will the US Supreme Court let Trump deport 27,000 healthcare workers despite coronavirus?
By Ephrat Livni
March 31, 2020
Politico Coronavirus crashes the Wisconsin primary
March 31, 2020
Politico Pelosi: Mail-in voting will protect ‘integrity of the election system’ amid coronavirus
March 31, 2020
Associated Press Too Little Too Late? Experts Decry Mexico Virus Policy Delay
March 31, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Guatemala Asks U.S. to Halt Deportations of Guatemalans to Prevent Spread of Coronavirus
By Juan Montes, José de Córdoba and Alicia A. Caldwell
March 31, 2020
Associated Press Almost Half of U.S. Foreign-Born in Past Decade Had College
By Mike Schneider
March 31, 2020
Associated Press Those without broadband struggle in a stuck-at-home nation
By Tali Arbel and Michael Casey
March 31, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Census Push Goes Digital as Nonprofits, States Urge Participation
By Emily Glazer
March 31, 2020
The Washington Post The Doctors Still Treating Everything Else
By David Montgomery
March 31, 2020
The Washington Post For 9-year-old immigrant, chess isn’t just a game. It’s a life-changer.
By Lela Nargi
April 1, 2020
The Washington Post On Census Day, a scramble to replace mass rallies in a country under quarantine
By Tara Bahrampour
March 31, 2020
CNN What happens to our food supply if American farmers can’t farm?
By Danielle Wiener-Bronner
March 31, 2020
Vox Governors plead with other states for more health care workers to fight coronavirus
By Katelyn Burns
March 31, 2020
Salon Who’s coming to the aid of undocumented workers amid restaurant closures and lay-offs
March 31, 2020
Quartz The US government has a long history of using crises to justify indefinite mass detention
By Justin Rohrlich
April 01, 2020
The Hill (Arizona) Coronavirus pandemic doesn’t stop Arizona border wall construction: report
March 31, 2020
Mother Jones (California) “Our Patients Are Very, Very Afraid”: A Major LA Clinic Is Struggling to Treat Undocumented Patients
By Fernanda Echavarri
March 31, 2020
ABC (Missouri) Restaurant owner worried about bills, DACA status says shutting down amid coronavirus was ‘really hard’ but necessary
March 31, 2020
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Georgia) Georgia immigration detention employee tests positive for coronavirus
By Jeremy Redmon,
March 31, 2020
Eater New York (New York) Why NYC’s Undocumented Restaurant Workers Are the Forgotten Victims of the Shutdown
By Gary He
March 31, 2020
Philadelphia Inquirer (Pennsylvania) What it’s like to be locked in prison during the coronavirus pandemic
By Jeremy Roebuck and Chris Palmer,
April 1, 2020
The New York Times (Editorial) The Wall That Didn’t Stop the Coronavirus
March 31, 2020
The Washington Post (Editorial) A president should want all Americans to vote. Why doesn’t Trump?
March 31, 2020
Star Ledger (Editorial) ‘I’m going to lose my life in this place’: ICE detainees beg for release | Editorial
March 31, 2020
The New York Times (Opinion) Covid-19 Is Twisting 2020 Beyond All Recognition
By Thomas B. Edsall
April 1, 2020
Politico (Opinion) Trump’s Breakdown
April 1, 2020
The New York Times (Op-ed) Fox’s Fake News Contagion
By Kara Swisher
March 31, 2020
The Washington Post (Op-ed) To flatten the curve, free some prisoners. Please.
By Piper Kerman
March 31, 2020
The Washington Post (Op-ed) Even Andrew Jackson showed more leadership than Donald Trump in a pandemic
By Joyce Chaplin
April 1, 2020
The Washington Post (Op-ed) Americans who are biased against Asians are more likely to fear the coronavirus
By Tyler Reny and Matt Barreto
April 1, 2020
The Hill (Op-ed) How will citizens of the world look after the coronavirus crisis ends?
March 31, 2020
The Hill (Op-ed) The multifaceted benefits of naturalization
April 01, 2020
Roll Call (Op-ed) We can’t fight the coronavirus pandemic with a nursing shortage
By Shari Costantini
March 31, 2020
Slate (Op-ed) Why Won’t the Federal Government Release Immigrant Children?
March 31, 2020
The Guardian (Op-ed) Ice agents are still performing raids – and using precious N95 masks to do so
By Miriam Magaña Lopez and Seth M Holmes
March 31, 2020
Al Jazeera (Op-ed) Trump’s $2 trillion will not shield minorities from coronavirus
By Candace McDuffie
March 31, 2020
Noticiero Univision Autoridades fronterizas están expulsando, en menos de dos horas, a inmigrantes que cruzan la frontera con México (Video)
By Pedro Rojas
March 31, 2020
Noticiero Univision México endurece los controles en la frontera con EEUU para evitar el ingreso de personas infectadas con coronavirus (Video)
By María Eugenia Payán
March 31, 2020
Noticiero Univision “¿Qué voy a hacer si me da el virus?”: las preocupaciones de unos indocumentados en un campamento secreto por el covid-19 (Video)
By Vilma Tarazona
March 31, 2020
La Opinión (CA) En 10 días ICE trasladó a un inmigrante de una ciudad a otra 9 veces
March 31, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Aceleran la construcción del muro fronterizo en medio de la crisis del coronavirus
March 31, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Deportaciones en 96 minutos, el tiempo récord para enviar a México a detenidos en la frontera
March 31, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Médicos inmigrantes quieren ayudar a combatir el coronavirus, pero la burocracia se los impide
April 01, 2020
El Diario-La Prensa (NY) Muchos muestran lo mejor de sí en medio de la pandemia, excepto el presidente
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 31, 2020
La Raza (IL) Muchos muestran lo mejor de sí en medio de la pandemia, excepto el presidente
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 31, 2020
La Prensa (FL) Muchos muestran lo mejor de sí en medio de la pandemia, excepto el presidente
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 31, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Muchos muestran lo mejor de sí en medio de la pandemia, excepto el presidente
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 31, 2020
Noticias Telemundo El cierre de centros de ayuda a migrantes agrava los efectos de la pandemia
By Maria Peña
March 31, 2020
Noticias Telemundo ICE desoye las presiones de congresistas, activistas y expertos para liberar a migrantes en riesgo por el coronavirus
By Maria Peña
March 31, 2020
Univision-Edición Digital Inmigrante vive la pandemia del coronavirus mientras espera un trasplante de pulmón (Video)
March 31, 2020
La Opinión Juez abre esperanza para que ICE libere a inmigrantes en alto riesgo de contagio de coronavirus
By Jesús García
March 31, 2020
Agencia EFE El senador Menéndez pide liberar a inmigrantes no violentos detenidos por ICE
March 31, 2020
Impacto Latino Seis inmigrantes enfermos demandan al ICE exigiendo su liberación inmediata
By Agencia EFE
March 31, 2020
CNN en Español Estos médicos inmigrantes quieren ayudar a combatir el coronavirus en EE.UU., pero están atrapados al margen
By Natasha Chen
March 31, 2020
Noticias Telemundo La jornada de un repartidor de Amazon durante el coronavirus: 10 horas contrarreloj en camionetas mugrientas
By Juan Cooper
March 31, 2020
La Opinión Juez propina revés a ICE sobre política de detención de inmigrantes
March 31, 2020
Univision 41/ New York Se aproxima la fecha límite para participar en el Censo 2020 y esto es lo que debes saber para ser contado (Video)
March 31, 2020
Univision Noticias Indocumentados que cruzan desde México están siendo deportados en tiempo récord
By Jorge Cancino
March 31, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Miles de dreamers trabajan para frenar el coronavirus y pueden ser deportados si la Corte Suprema anula DACA
March 30, 2020
Herald Mail Media Los inmigrantes con un pasado criminal pueden tener pronto una ‘nueva forma de proceder’ para permanecer en EU
By Theodora Yu – The Sacramento Bee (TNS)
March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020
Reuters La frontera más transitada del mundo, en calma tras restricción de paso de EEUU a millones de mexicanos
March 31, 2020
Noticias Telemundo- Un nuevo Día Departamento de Estado otorgará visas a médicos extranjeros ante el coronavirus (Video)
March 31, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Quedarse en casa o arriesgarse al contagio, la decisión de trabajadores indocumentados (Video)
March 30, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Activistas dan una mano a inmigrantes indocumentados en medio de la crisis (Video)
March 30, 2020