2014 was a transformative year for the politics and policy of immigration, and moreover, for the history of this county. Thanks to an ever-growing pro-reform movement, President Obama finally made good on his promise to take action on immigration in the face of Congressional inaction, and very soon, five million immigrant families will be able to work legally, be safe from deportation, and together enjoy many holidays to come without the constant fear of being torn apart.
In a new video produced by America’s Voice, Executive Director Frank Sharry takes a look back at the steps leading up to this historic victory and extends a heartfelt thanks to the activists that made it happen (watch the video here). The video is specifically directed to America’s Voice’s email list of activists who have taken action on individual deportation cases; pushed Republican leadership to move legislation; and called on Obama to do executive action.
As Sharry notes in the video:
The reason we won this victory is because we’re part of a movement that is so strong that even resistance from Congress couldn’t stop us and the President had to respond to our cries for justice.
When you light up the White House or you light up Members of Congress or you go after a bad guy, they feel it and that creates the political space and the political momentum that allows us to get the kind of victories we got this year. And if you stay with us, we’re going to keep fighting until we protect 11 million people so that they can live with dignity, live as citizens in this country and we have a modernized immigration system that reflects the best of our values. But we can only do it, if we continue to work together, build this movement so that we have the kind of breakthroughs we just saw this year.
Watch the video in its entirety below: