Frank Sharry: “Trump’s ‘impenetrable’ border wall is having a very, very bad week”
In an explosive new Washington Post story entitled, “Trump’s border wall, vulnerable to flash floods, needs large storm gates left open for months,” Nick Miroff, writes:
President Trump’s border wall probably will require the installation of hundreds of storm gates to prevent flash floods from undermining or knocking it over, gates that must be left open for months every summer during ‘monsoon season’ in the desert, according to U.S. border officials, agents and engineers familiar with the plans. The open, unmanned gates in remote areas already have allowed for the easy entry of smugglers and migrants into the United States.
Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, had this to say in response:
Trump’s ‘impenetrable’ border wall is having a very, very bad week.
Yesterday, CNN revealed that 37 mph winds knocked down portions of Trump’s border wall. Earlier, we learned you can cut through ‘big, beautiful border wall’ with a cheap saw bought at Home Depot. And before that, we learned you can climb over with a basic ladder. Now we learn that this ‘powerful’ wall has to be left open for months or swelling rivers will knock it down, allowing smugglers and migrants to cross unimpeded.
With Trump running roughshod over Congress to raid funds appropriated to support military families, and Trump’s judges aiding and abetting his constitutionally-challenged circumvention of Congress, this administration has, to date, spent an estimated $11 billion so far — the most expensive wall of its kind anywhere in the world — on an expensive, ineffective and offensive vanity project. With Jared Kushner leading the way, the administration is seizing land from private landowners and engaging in corrupt contracting practices, all so Trump can rouse his rally-goers with a chant.
For Trump and his core supporters, the border wall is not just a physical structure, it’s a metaphor. They want to send a clear message that it’s time to keep out ‘those brown people’ and preserve power and privilege for certain white people. Well, for the rest of us, Trump’s border wall is a metaphor, too. It is the perfect encapsulation of Trump and his presidency: narcissistic, mendacious, wasteful, corrupt, racist, authoritarian, ineffective and ridiculous.