18/05/09 a 10:35pm por Maribel Hastings Un nuevo sondeo de America’s Voice preparado por Bendixen y Asociados sobre votantes hispanos y el tema migratorio envía claros mensajes a ambos partidos del Congreso y a la Casa Blanca: los republicanos tienen mucho trabajo por delante para enmendar su relación con... Continue »
The results of a new poll of Hispanic voters in thirteen key states shows the importance of comprehensive immigration reform to Hispanic voters, underscores their belief that immigration reform should be a priority this year, and highlights the challenges and opportunities for both Republicans and Democrats on this important... Continue »
"Even though support for immigration reform has always been high among Hispanic voters, this poll clearly indicates that we now have a much higher �intensity of support level' for the issue within this electorate," said Sergio Bendixen. "The divisive tone and demagogic rhetoric of the anti-immigrant movement in America... Continue »