Por Maribel Hastings
America's Voice

WASHINGTON, D.C. - No puedo traer a colación las repercusiones políticas y el ángulo migratorio que algunos tratarán de darle a la nominación de Sonia Sotomayor a la Corte Suprema sin antes externar el enorme orgullo que me produjo... Continue »

27/05/09 a 11:55am por Maribel Hastings No puedo traer a colación las repercusiones políticas y el ángulo migratorio que algunos tratarán de darle a la nominación de Sonia Sotomayor a la Corte Suprema sin antes externar el enorme orgullo que me produjo el anuncio como mujer, como latina y... Continue »
In the Senate, Sessions takes every opportunity to denounce comprehensive immigration reform, often in incendiary terms. The leading GOP Senator on the Judiciary Committee has aligned himself with people who bash immigrants and prioritize hate. Continue »
In “First thoughts: It's Sotomayor,” MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, and Domenico Montanaro announce today’s historic nomination of Sonia Sotomayor, a Yale Law School graduate and Princeton undergrad who the President notes, has more experience �than anyone currently serving on the Supreme Court had when they were appointed.” Impressive... Continue »