Online Tool from America’s Voice Highlights the Ugly Consequences of the #TrumpEffect
As we’ve noted previously, the Republican Party’s anti-immigrant rhetoric—with Donald Trump at the helm—is bleeding into civil society to a dangerous effect. By making hateful statements and promoting radical policies, Trump has encouraged others to speak – and act – accordingly.
A new map from America’s Voice is keeping a close eye on the instances in which Trump’s hateful rhetoric has gone beyond the political work and injected itself into everyday life—including in sometimes violent ways. The new tool (available online here) shows documented instances where Donald Trump, and his supporters, or his staff, harassed or attacked Latinos and immigrants.
According to Lynn Tramonte, Deputy Director of America’s Voice, “Words have consequences. Until Trump and the rest of the GOP field understand that, we will continue to document the instances in which their ugly rhetoric turns into vicious attacks. This is a sickening trend in American politics, and Trump and his followers must be held accountable.”