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Join the January 14th Nationwide Mobilization To Protect Immigrants and Refugees

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As part of a growing wave of resistance against Donald Trump, immigrants and their allies are planning a mass mobilization across twenty states to oppose his racist and anti-immigrant policies.

Scheduled for January 14, 2017, just days before Donald Trump’s is sworn in as our nation’s next president; immigration advocates will engage local communities at rallies, marches, vigils, and community gatherings to advocate for policies that protect immigrant families from Trump’s deportation force.

United We Dream, an immigrant youth advocacy organization and one of the organizer’s of the events, has made available a list of the full events via their website and is encouraging community members to participate in solidarity by joining a local event or hosting one in their city.

According to the Wisconsin Gazette, organizers of an event in Milwaukee are expecting over 5,000 participants at a march and rally that will kick off from the main office of the advocacy organization Voces de la Frontera:

People participating in Milwaukee’s Jan. 14 actions in support of immigrants will gather in front of the office of Voces de la Frontera, 1027 S. Fifth St.

From there, demonstrators will march to the Milwaukee County Courthouse. A rally will be staged there or along the route.

Eight buses are bringing supporters from Madison and size buses will be traveling to Milwaukee from Racine.

Immigrant families continue to experience fear and anxiety over Trump’s immigration radical immigration proposals, which include a possible repeal of President Obama’s 2012 program to shield young immigrants from deportation, known as DACA, construction of a border wall between the United States and Mexico, and the launch of a Muslim registry.

Additional events are expected to be announced in the days leading up to the mobilization. Allies and immigrants who are unable to attend or host an event are encouraged to use the hashtag #HereToStay to express support and solidarity.