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PHOTOS: In Which A Pro-Immigration Reform Event EVERY DAY This Week Has Turned Out Way More People than Steve King's "Rally"

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On Monday, we mocked Steve King for holding what was supposed to be a major anti-immigrant rally in which no one showed up.  His non-event turned out to be especially embarrassing when pro-immigration reform forces held a major rally in which thousands showed up just a couple of days later.

The power of the pro-immigrant movement, however–the momentum of those fighting for a path to citizenship for the 11 million–is so ascendant that not only can we turn out more people than Steve King did at any one of our events, we’ve turned out more people at one event or another every single day this week.  View the pictures below to see more.  We’ve juxtaposed a photo of Steve King’s rally below each for helpful comparison.








View more pictures from this week in immigration reform.