Denver Post (Colorado): Beauprez’s comments on immigration draw fire from Colorado Latino leaders via liberal D.C. group
By Joey Bunch
July 14, 2014
Washington Examiner (Opinion): Why Obama won’t take strong action in border crisis
By Byron York
July 14, 2014
Arizona Republic: Pipeline of children: A border crisis
By Daniel Gonzalez and Bob Ortega
July 10, 2014
Wall Street Journal: White House Open to Different Tacks on Deportation Fix
By Jeffrey Sparshott
July 14, 2014
NBC News: Lawmakers Scramble As Immigrant Crisis Mounts
July 14, 2014
CNN: Congress: 12 work days to compromise on border crisis
By Tom Cohen
July 14, 2014
National Journal: Boehner in Another GOP Quandary Over Border-Funding Request
By Billy House
July 14, 2014
New York Times: Lawmakers From Texas Will Offer Border Bill
By Ashley Parker
July 14, 2014
Washington Post: Texas lawmakers to introduce new border plan in Congress to speed up deportations of minors
By David Nakamura
July 14, 2014
Politico: Bill aims to quicken border process
By Seung Min Kim
July 14, 2014
The Hill: Bipartisan bill would speed up child migrant repatriation process
By Cristina Marcos
July 14, 2014
The Hill: House GOP group to recommend changes to immigration law
By Cristina Marcos and Peter Schroeder
July 14, 2014
The Hill: GOP bill would amend 2008 trafficking law for child immigrants
By Cristina Marcos
July 14, 2014
Huffington Post: White House To O’Malley: Border Kids Won’t Be Sent Home To Die
By Sam Stein
July 14, 2014
The Hill: White House: Immigrant children facing danger will ‘likely’ stay in US
By Justin Sink
July 14, 2014
Roll Call: Homeland Security Secretary to Meet With Blue Dog Democrats
By Emma Dumain
July 14, 2014
Roll Call: Homeland Security Secretary Meets with Democrats on Supplemental, Changes to 2008 Human Trafficking Law
By Emma Dumain and Matt Fuller
July 14, 2014
Wall Street Journal: U.S. Flies 38 to Honduras as Part of Expedited Deportations
By Dudley Althaus and Laura Meckler
July 14, 2014
NBC News: Undocumented Women, Children Deported to Honduras
By Pete Williams and M. Alex Johnson
July 14, 2014
MSNBC: US deports families to Central America
By Amanda Sakuma
July 14, 2014
Associated Press: 40 Central American Immigrants Deported
July 14, 2014
Reuters: Honduran President Blames U.S. Drug Policy For Migrant Surge
July 14, 2014
BuzzFeed: Pope Francis Urges Protection Of Unaccompanied Kids Migrating From Central America
By Juan E. Gastelum
July 14, 2014
Washington Times: Rubio: Senate immigration bill won’t stop border surge
By Seth McLaughlin and S.A. Miller
July 14, 2014
EFE: Texas governor won’t back Obama on plan to deal with immigration crisis
July 14, 2014
Politico: Glenn Beck’s border message — en Español
By Kendall Breitman
July 15, 2014
Bloomberg Businessweek: On Immigration, Republicans Say Obama Is Exercising Too Much Authority, and Not Enough
By Josh Eidelson
July 14, 2014
Mother Jones: If Congress Wants to Know Who’s Responsible for the Immigration Crisis, It Should Look in a Mirror
By Kevin Drum
July 14, 2014
New Republic: The Border Crisis Has Nothing to Do With Border Security
By Danny Vinik
July 14, 2014
New Republic: Republicans’ Failure to Pass Immigration Reform Has Cost Us $900 Billion
By Brian Beutler
July 14, 2014
The Hill: White House looks at executive actions on immigration reform
By Justin Sink
July 14, 2014
KPCC (California): Murrieta’s Ken Calvert introduces bill to speed deportation of undocumented minors
By Kitty Felde
July 12, 2014
New York Observer (New York): Activists Want President Obama to Move Quickly on Immigration Reform
By Paula Duran
July 14, 2014
Associated Press (Arizona): Residents of Arizona Town Plan Blocking Immigrants
By Astrid Galvan
July 15, 2014
New York Times (Editorial): A Municipal ID Card That’s Worth the Wait
July 14, 2014
Washington Post (Opinion): The Insiders: The politics of immigration is changing
By Ed Rogers
July 14, 2014
Washington Post (Opinion): Save the children from our immigration politics
By Jonathan Capehart
July 14, 2014
Bloomberg View (Opinion): Buffett, Gates and Adelson Don’t Get Immigration
By Ramesh Ponnuru
July 14, 2014
Wall Street Journal (Opinion): The Economics Behind the Border Pile-Up
By David Stoll
July 14, 2014
Los Angeles Times (Opinion): Obama’s secret immigration reform ‘plan’
By Robin Abcarian
July 14, 2014
The Hill (Opinion): Republican hostility to border kids alienates Hispanics again
By Fernando Espuelas
July 14, 2014
The Hill (Congress Blog): Use brains, not brawn, to handle migrant crisis
By Christopher Wilson and Eric L. Olson
July 14, 2014
The Hill (Congress Blog): Executive action needed on immigration
By Natalie Powell
July 14, 2014
Politico (Opinion): More gray hairs for Obama
By Roger Simon
July 15, 2014
Fox News Latino (Opinion): Opinion: Immigration Crisis Shows Huge Failure Of Leadership And Obama’s Lack Of Confidence
By Raoul Lowery Contreras
July 14, 2014
Army Times (Opinion): Commentary: Immigration reform could enable soldiers to serve
By Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba (ret.)
July 13, 2014