Every day, evidence that the Trump administration is deporting immigrants indiscriminately piles up. Here are some cases that we’ve heard about just today: ICE agents in Austin hanging out at courthouses looking for immigrants An Arizona father of three who had been here for decades, picked up on his... Continue »
Florida Immigrants Protest at the State Capitol in Tallahassee
Miami-Dade’s anti-immigrant policy — and its Republican Mayor — are not having a good Friday morning. A new chapter in the fight to keep Donald Trump’s Deportation Force out of Florida’s Miami-Dade County, a place where over half its residents have been born abroad, began this morning when a circuit... Continue »
According to Speaker Ryan, “The priority and the goal is to not go out there and deport DREAMers. The priority and the goal is to secure the border and deport people who are violent criminals who are making our communities less safe.” So why are people like Guadalupe Garcia... Continue »
In the latest immigration bill rumors, a senior Trump administration official – probably Trump himself — told reporters today that the president is open to an immigration reform bill that could include a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants. The “source” is considering adding the topic to his joint address tonight.... Continue »
Why is DHS Secretary Kelly — a retired Marine General — Letting Agents Act with Impunity? Today, several leading military experts are challenging the Trump Administration and DHS Secretary Kelly — a retired Marine General — regarding the policy and practice excesses of ICE and CBP. Yesterday, we highlighted an... Continue »
During his remarks at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival, Chef José Andrés ripped open his white coat to reveal one of the iconic “I Am An Immigrant” shirts that celebrities, advocates, and allies are using to fight and defend immigrants across the country. Chef José Andrés: “I... Continue »
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer recently praised the DHS immigration enforcement memos — which provide a detailed blueprint for mass deportation — for taking “the shackles off” ICE and CBP agents. Below are just a few examples of what has happened since the “unshackling” began: ICE and Its Disturbing... Continue »
In his latest immigration update through Facebook Live,  immigration attorney David Leopold discusses the latest news concerning the Trump Deportation Force and answers your questions. Facebook live update tonight at 7:00pm ET. Immigration attorney David Leopold will brief us on the latest news concerning the Trump Deportation Force and answers... Continue »
Washington, DC – A new Wall Street Journal piece entitled, “Immigrant Crackdown Worries Food and Construction Industries” reports that the Trump Administration’s decision to crack down on immigration could put American farmers, food companies, and builders at an employee deficit. This piece corroborates the claims made in a New... Continue »
Washington, DC – The Trump Administration’s blueprint for mass deportation, laid out in detail by this week’s DHS implementation memos, are set to be cruel, chaotic and costly. Trump’s radicalism on immigration has plunged millions of families into crisis, caused confusion, division and fear throughout America and the world... Continue »