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Sen. Reid Highlights Plans for Immigration Reform

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Senate Majority Leader Optimistic About Timely Congressional Passage of Reform Legislation

In an interview with Gannett News Service published this weekend, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid noted his plans for the 111th Congress to both address and pass immigration reform legislation.

Reid told Gannett News, “On immigration, there’s been an agreement between (President-elect Barack) Obama and (Arizona Republican Sen. John) McCain to move forward on that. … We’ll do that.”  Reid went on say that he did not expect “much of a fight at all,”  and expressed his optimism about passing common sense immigration reform in the near future. 

“This past election demonstrated that the American people want their leaders to tackle and fix big issues,” said Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice. “Majority Leader Reid’s comments are a welcome acknowledgment of our current climate – passing common sense immigration reform is both good policy and good politics for the next Congress.”

Senator Reid’s comments follow recent statements from Republican strategists and leaders assessing the G.O.P.’s need to reform its stance on immigration issues and embrace common sense reform instead of restrictionist, enforcement-only approaches.  Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” “there were voices within our party that if they continue with that kind of anti-Hispanic rhetoric, we’re going to be relegated to minority status.”  In Newsweek, Karl Rove said that in order for the GOP to stay afloat, Republicans must support policy that “strengthens citizenship, grows our economy and keeps America a welcoming nation.”

America’s Voice — Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform.

